Ultimate Poor man's Neve 1073 - ALCTRON MP73eq

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2017
Hello guys,

I am so excited to share this with you. Two weeks ago, i made a contact with guys at Alctron, directly through web page and said i would like to order a sample of this thing as i am interested in further cooperation if the thing sounds okay. They responded quickly and said they can send me one for about 150 euros, included shipping. The retail price in Aliexpres and similar sites is about 500 euros. Only way is to send money directly to their bank account, no PayPal, no any other option. So i said, what to hell, i'll give it a try.

The thing arrived today, and i am amazed! I don't have original to compare it to, but i have an emulation of original on my Liquid Channel, Liquid Mix, Waves Scheps 73, T-Racks vst versions.

I compared eq curves through analyzer, and it does the same thing as the plugins. More less same curves,  even though the plugins differ a bit in bandwidth and dips. The only difference with the Alctron is that mid range behaves more like high shelf in a way, but it could be that original hardware does that same curve, it doesn't mean plugins are right.

Saturation. Well it's perfect, it does the magic 1073 should do, and it does it beautifully. I have used 1073 in the past and Alctron does the same exact thing to the low end as the original. I hate expression fat, but it is fat. Even tho eq is off, eq curve is totally flat through analyzer, it does something to add weight to the low end.

I noticed that the High potentiometer eq should be at -0.5db, and Mid at -1db to make the curve totally flat with eq engaged. But  VST plugins have the curve of their own just engaged.

Input impedance selector does what it's supposed to do, and impacts the sound of an SM57 for example marvelously, adding different character.

Otherwise, it's quiet and has lots of gain.

I treat you with some pics, tell me what you think. Do you think there are some improvements to be made?


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New group buy here? 😂😂😂
I just think that 150 is more or less regular price, having background at retail i think they protect their customers that will rebrand their products. Their tube mics are often advertised for about 500 dollars, but sold rebranded for 200.

I believe anyone can get these for abput 150, but no warranty, returns...

However, i didn't try to fool them, i can import and sell 10 of these right now having in mind how they sound. 500 pcs is maybe a bit over my capacity tho :)
Now, the first thing obviously would be to reach for a Carnhill transformer, but I am not sure if it would do anything.  Certainly something, but if I would like it better? I'll just have to try.The thing sounds simply awesome stock.

I currently have Liquid Channel, and I use it only in super clean setting, and LA610 which I love because of the eq, but that thing can get peaky and screechy pushed hard. Compressor on that thing makes smiley face.This guy does exactly opposite and saturates so smoothly. Killer on overheads, though I could use a pair :)

I have a good link at Alctron. Can get pricing and set up production etc.

But only if someone else collects the money, takes care of shipping, answers everyone's questions, and all the million other things that needs done in a groupbuy  :p
This guy has a great price for the compressor in the states.

I suggest trying to contact them directly through their site, or Alibaba and just ask for samples. I ordered two carnhils yesterday for both compressor and pre. I plan to do a mod with both transformers and a switch, stock and Carnhill. This way I can do fair shootout and some null tests to finally see what it does, some measuring as well. I am really fed up with "it sounds warmer" expert analysis I get to read on GS for example :)
Hello guys,

I am so excited to share this with you. Two weeks ago, i made a contact with guys at Alctron, directly through web page and said i would like to order a sample of this thing as i am interested in further cooperation if the thing sounds okay. They responded quickly and said they can send me one for about 150 euros, included shipping. The retail price in Aliexpres and similar sites is about 500 euros. Only way is to send money directly to their bank account, no PayPal, no any other option. So i said, what to hell, i'll give it a try.

The thing arrived today, and i am amazed! I don't have original to compare it to, but i have an emulation of original on my Liquid Channel, Liquid Mix, Waves Scheps 73, T-Racks vst versions.

I compared eq curves through analyzer, and it does the same thing as the plugins. More less same curves, even though the plugins differ a bit in bandwidth and dips. The only difference with the Alctron is that mid range behaves more like high shelf in a way, but it could be that original hardware does that same curve, it doesn't mean plugins are right.

Saturation. Well it's perfect, it does the magic 1073 should do, and it does it beautifully. I have used 1073 in the past and Alctron does the same exact thing to the low end as the original. I hate expression fat, but it is fat. Even tho eq is off, eq curve is totally flat through analyzer, it does something to add weight to the low end.

I noticed that the High potentiometer eq should be at -0.5db, and Mid at -1db to make the curve totally flat with eq engaged. But VST plugins have the curve of their own just engaged.

Input impedance selector does what it's supposed to do, and impacts the sound of an SM57 for example marvelously, adding different character.

Otherwise, it's quiet and has lots of gain.

I treat you with some pics, tell me what you think. Do you think there are some improvements to be made?

Hi kingkorg, do you still have these units? I have one of with a problem with the DI (mic and line are perfectly fine). There is no signal and it's VERY noisey when a jack is plugged in, ground hum/buzz. I've replaced the jack/resoldered but the issue persists. It's a little bizarre. Would you be able to send me pics of the input/board relevant to the DI in that bottom left corner of the unit - I must be missing something as it looks/tests good.

Happy to buy you a coffee to save my sanity.