Poor Man's Pultec EQP1-A Build Support Thread

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Hi Ian.

thanks for the help on the Tl072 make up works a treat.

so i would like to exchange those noisy pots for stepped ones , i did read up on your stepped mastering eq and it confuses me , your are using different pot values to the pultec ones .

i used this app, to calculator the 11 steps does it like right for 0.5 db steps

Step 1, Attenuation = 0 dB, Rx = 0 ohms, Ry = 10000 ohms, Resistor = 10000 ohms.
Step 2, Attenuation = .5 dB, Rx = 559 ohms, Ry = 9441 ohms, Resistor = -559 ohms.
Step 3, Attenuation = 1 dB, Rx = 1087 ohms, Ry = 8913 ohms, Resistor = -528 ohms.
Step 4, Attenuation = 1.5 dB, Rx = 1586 ohms, Ry = 8414 ohms, Resistor = -499 ohms.
Step 5, Attenuation = 2 dB, Rx = 2057 ohms, Ry = 7943 ohms, Resistor = -471 ohms.
Step 6, Attenuation = 2.5 dB, Rx = 2501 ohms, Ry = 7499 ohms, Resistor = -444 ohms.
Step 7, Attenuation = 3 dB, Rx = 2921 ohms, Ry = 7079 ohms, Resistor = -420 ohms.
Step 8, Attenuation = 3.5 dB, Rx = 3317 ohms, Ry = 6683 ohms, Resistor = -396 ohms.
Step 9, Attenuation = 4 dB, Rx = 3690 ohms, Ry = 6310 ohms, Resistor = -373 ohms.
Step 10, Attenuation = 4.5 dB, Rx = 4043 ohms, Ry = 5957 ohms, Resistor = -353 ohms.
Step 11, Attenuation = 5 dB, Rx = 4377 ohms, Ry = 5623 ohms, Resistor = -334 ohms.
An input series resistor of 4377 ohms is required to provide the initial 5 dB of attenuation.



I have been asked this question many times and back in 2016 I wrote a document that describes how to do it and the resistor values needed for the three band Pultec. The values apply equally to the original PMEQP1A, you just don't need the mid section. Document is attached.




  • SteppedPotsfor3BandPultecv0.2.pdf
    524 KB
cheers ian i will take a look at the document , like i thought way over my head , and the potentiometers in the original pultec are different values compared to your PMEQP1A so they will not work in my case ?.. also i would need to have 11 steps at 0.50db ..

could you break it down for , in small bite size pieces ,step by step for the 1k pot for hi cut ..


cheers ian i will take a look at the document , like i thought way over my head , and the potentiometers in the original pultec are different values compared to your PMEQP1A so they will not work in my case ?.. also i would need to have 11 steps at 0.50db ..

could you break it down for , in small bite size pieces ,step by step for the 1k pot for hi cut ..


OK, I had not realized you are using the original Pultec circuit. In that case simply scale the resistor values in my document by the ratio of the the Pultec ot value divided by my pot value.

However, this will not give you 0.5dB steps because the EQP1A has about 20dB of cut and boost. Do you really want to throw half of that away?


Hi Ian , i am would like to use it for mastering my music don't really need that amount of boost or cut so i could live 6 steps at 1/2 a db and 5 steps at 1db..
Hi Ian , i am would like to use it for mastering my music don't really need that amount of boost or cut so i could live 6 steps at 1/2 a db and 5 steps at 1db..
OK, understood. It is not at all easy to work out what the resistor values should be. Perhaps the best approach is to simulate the circuit and manually vary the resistors to get the response you want at each switch position.


ok makes sense ,what i will do is use a multi turn pot instead of the pot in circuit and turn the pot until i get 1/2 a db of gain for step one then write the resistance down for that step..

one more ? the Tl072 make up amp how do i set it up ..


ok makes sense ,what i will do is use a multi turn pot instead of the pot in circuit and turn the pot until i get 1/2 a db of gain for step one then write the resistance down for that step..

Sounds like an excellent plan
one more ? the Tl072 make up amp how do i set it up ..


Set the EQ controls flat and/or set the Pultec EQ to bypass mode. Feed in a 1KHz signal at 0dBu . Adjust the TL072 gain so the output is 0dBu. And that's all there is to it.


is 0dBu equal to 0.775 volts rms , and how do i work out the rms voltage of 1/2 db

You can do this on your calculator.

dB are defined as 20*log(k) where k is the voltage ratio. What we want is to input the dB and get the ratio k.

On most scientific calculators this can be done as SHIFT LOG dB/20.

So start by pressing SHIFT followed by LOG and your display will usually show 10^(

Then enter the dB you want followed by DIVIDE 20 then close bracket ) then EQUALS

Note you will generally be attenuating so your dB value will be negative

As an example om my calculator if I do this for -1dB I get a ratio of 0.89125

Multiply this by 0.775V and you get 0.6907

It might be easier to set the initial voltage to 1 volt, then the output voltage you need is the same as the ratio you worked out on your calculator.

Hope that helps.


I'm still in the process of sourcing all the parts, while also thinking about options for stepped switches instead of potmeters and frontpanel layout. While brainstorming what to implement and what to skip, I have decided to build the V2 Lorlin switch version without the mid band, but with the inductor for the high band. I want to build 2 channels in one enclosure and would like to use stepped switches wherever possible. So far nothing special I recon.

So because I'm not going to use the mid band, the entire mid section of the PCB is left unused. However since this board sits parallel with the front panel, this would also imply that a large section of the frontpanel would be unusable. Unless... I studied the schematic and the layout of the PCB and the mid section looks to be entirely isolated from the rest of the EQ sections. How hard would it be to repurpose this PCB section by populating some resistors instead of the caps, and use the switch for the Q setting of the high boost? To me it looks like it should be fairly easy, maybe solder a few jumper wires, not even any trace cuts necessary. Am I missing anything?

If I'm correct in my assumption that the PCB section can be repurposed, then I also assume the easiest configuration would be to use 11 pieces of 910R resistors, which would then emulate a linear taper 10K pot. Is this correct or is my logic flawed?
With my best bitmap cut/copy/paste skills I have altered the schematic to repurpose the "mid" rotary switch to act as a 10K LIN "stepped potentiometer" to use instead of the Q potmeter.

I'm not sure about the way I have made to connections to the rest of the circuit;
- Is the common pin of the rotary switch connected to the correct part of the Hi Boost?
- Should I connect the other wire to pin 1 or pin 12 of the rotary switch?

As soon as I have confirmation I'll work out the easiest / neatest way to mount the resistors to the PCB. PCBs have arrived from JLCPCB and look spiffy :)

Cheers, Alex

Lorlin3BandPultecEQ - Mid switch for Bandwidth.png
That looks good to me. How you connect it depends on whether you want Q to increase as you rotate clockwise or not. Assuming pin1 is the fully anticlockwise position then connect the hi boost pot wiper to pin 12 if you want Q to increase as you rotate clockwise or connect it to pin 1 if you want the opposite.

You might like to experiment with the values of the resistors in the switch (keeping the total 10K) if you find a lot more variation happens in one half of the rotation than the other. Also you need to bear in mind that with this particular circuit (and the original EQP1A) varying the Q also varies the maximum boost that can be obtained. Lower Q settings give lower maximum boost.

Q is not really well defined in circuits like these although most users know what they expect it to do. It is probably best set by ear.


So if I understand correctly, the way I have drawn it with the wiper of the Hi Boost pot connected to pin 1 now, it will give a broad Q clockwise and a narrow/sharp Q anticlockwise. That was what I was aiming for :)

Regarding the resistors, soldering them will be a bit of a kludge so I'm not too keen on testing different values in circuit. When I currently use a Pultec (plugin) I usually stay in the "broad" spectrum of Q. It might make sense to skew the behaviour of the stepped pot with a curve that gives finer control in the "broad" spectrum of Q. I think low resistance results in a broad Q and high resistance narrows the Q, correct? In that case, I can make up a bit more parabolic curve with resistor values, as long as the result of adding them all up still approximates 10K.

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