Faceplate hole for VU meter??

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He's arguing with a mod about what DIY means... :rolleyes:
Indeed the oversized text and bolded letters looks a little like yelling. ;)

Perhaps its related to his browser and not being done intentionally?

[Indeed the oversized text and bolded letters looks a little like yelling] -- I am certainly not yelling. My use of bold and larger text on certain items within my responses are only meant to "act" like tonal verbal emphasis as though I am speaking to you. Yet, most everyone on this forum just seems to get so bent out-of-shape with the visual aspects of my writings.

Back during the early-to-mid 1990's, I worked at a military-related "RF" communications company that designed and built highly customized communications equipment for use by all manner of -- literally -- "covert, secret and unknown U.S. Government agencies that don't exist". (NOTE: If you believe that such a thing as the "Deep-State" doesn't exist, then you have absolutely no idea of how many U.S. Government agencies there are -- THAT DON'T EXIST -- either!!! As an example, I once interviewed for an electronics company that was actually a "front" for the CIA. They operated as a type of "business" that no normal or regular person would ever go to, let alone just "walk into", as they were simply located as "some non-descript business" in a local strip-mall!!!). As a part of my job, I was required to write these insane 30-page technical reports about our CAD-design programs and other design engineering details. After I would finish my reports and submit them to the company management, they would later start asking me questions about items I had written because "they missed a point" I was making or some technical detail I was trying explain "didn't stand out" from the rest of the text I had written.

So.....in order for me to "answer" their questions before the management could even ask them, I had started to write my reports using CAPITALIZATION, bold and -- isolated text -- in order to make the specific technical details within my reports stand-out enough in different ways that, since my reports were being read by others with different levels of technical knowledge, my "new writing style" helped everybody reading my reports to now more easily recognize and understand the specific technical points I was making. Then, after I had submitted about 3 of my new CAPITALIZED/BOLDED/-- isolated text -- reports to the company management, a couple of them complimented me on my new writing style and also said,
"Your recent technical reports read as though you are speaking to us with verbal emphasis. I can now better recognize and understand the specific points that you are making". And, it stuck with me.

As I moved on working with various other different companies and also submitting various technical reports for various reasons, I wrote all of those reports using my same new writing style. However, NONE of those company management members ever came back at me saying -- STOP THE YELLING IN YOUR REPORTS!!! -- or anything. I can only guess that they either accepted my writing style at "face-value" of what it is or, they inherently understood as they read my reports for the first time, that my writing style simply made all of the highly-technical information contained within my reports easier to understand. In any case, I never received any complaints about -- HOW -- I had written my reports.....unlike everybody else here on this forum.

So.....that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!

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[Indeed the oversized text and bolded letters looks a little like yelling] -- I am certainly not yelling. My use of bold and larger text on certain items within my responses are only meant to "act" like tonal verbal emphasis as though I am speaking to you. Yet, most everyone on this forum just seems to get so bent out-of-shape with the visual aspects of my writings.

Back during the early-to-mid 1990's, I worked at a military-related "RF" communications company that designed and built highly customized communications equipment for use by all manner of -- literally -- "covert, secret and unknown U.S. Government agencies that don't exist". (NOTE: If you believe that such a thing as the "Deep-State" doesn't exist, then you have absolutely no idea of how many U.S. Government agencies there are -- THAT DON'T EXIST -- either!!! As an example, I once interviewed for an electronics company that was actually a "front" for the CIA. They operated as a type of "business" that no normal or regular person would ever go to, let alone just "walk into", as they were simply located as "some non-descript business" in a local strip-mall!!!). As a part of my job, I was required to write these insane 30-page technical reports about our CAD-design programs and other design engineering details. After I would finish my reports and submit them to the company management, they would later start asking me questions about items I had written because "they missed a point" I was making or some technical detail I was trying explain "didn't stand out" from the rest of the text I had written.

So.....in order for me to "answer" their questions before the management could even ask them, I had started to write my reports using CAPITALIZATION, bold and -- isolated text -- in order to make the specific technical details within my reports stand-out enough in different ways that, since my reports were being read by others with different levels of technical knowledge, my "new writing style" helped everybody reading my reports to now more easily recognize and understand the specific technical points I was making. Then, after I had submitted about 3 of my new CAPITALIZED/BOLDED/-- isolated text -- reports to the company management, a couple of them complimented me on my new writing style and also said,
"Your recent technical reports read as though you are speaking to us with verbal emphasis. I can now better recognize and understand the specific points that you are making". And, it stuck with me.

As I moved on working with various other different companies and also submitting various technical reports for various reasons, I wrote all of those reports using my same new writing style. However, NONE of those company management members ever came back at me saying -- STOP THE YELLING IN YOUR REPORTS!!! -- or anything. I can only guess that they either accepted my writing style at "face-value" of what it is or, they inherently understood as they read my reports for the first time, that my writing style simply made all of the highly-technical information contained within my reports easier to understand. In any case, I never received any complaints about -- HOW -- I had written my reports.....unlike everybody else here on this forum.

So.....that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!

So 30 years ago you were encouraged to emphasize your text, and they didn't complain back then so you choose to ignore complaints here now?
There is no rule against this so feel free to continue.... just be aware of how your posts are perceived by some members here in 2025.

How do folks usually go about making a large hole in a 19" chassis faceplate for a big VU meter? Is it possible to get a punch that big? Am I better off just ordering a custom-machined faceplate? any advice is much appreciated.
Hey Matt,

If it is aluminum, just send it to me with dimensions and we will cut it on the CNC for you. Get it to me fast and I can send it on the truck we have going to Minnesota next week. ;-) I gotta look out for my fellow Minnesotan's even if I no longer live there. You can pay me back by going to see Billy Dankert or the Gear Daddies perform sometime.

If you are set on doing it yourself, mark your cutout on the back. Predrill your corners, anchor it in a vice or the edge of a table (back side up) and use a jigsaw with an appropriate metal blade to cut it out. Clean up the edges with a file. Should take less than 20 minutes if you know where your tools are :)

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..it still comes through as yelling...
I find it distracting. He seems like a nice knowledgeable guy who seems to be trying to help others here, but his messages read like a ransom notes to me. I am pretty sure he has me blocked because I said I can make technical drawings too, he asked... I started with autocad as an estimator in 1988 time frame (man were computers and software expensive back then!). lol In fact hating that job is what got me into the music industry! I started working with the Gear Daddies out of Minneapolis in about late 88 early 89. The rest, as they say, is history.

FWIW these are excellent books pointed at clarity in writing. My copy of the 'Chicago Manual of Style' is sun bleached and well-worn. It has been by my desk for over 30 years, invaluable. I should refer to it more often - text talk has invaded my life.

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Is that style of writing done to attract attention? I nearly always skip over posts with highlighted and bold text.

And I use front panel express cause I hate making any hole I can't do with simple drill bits,

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