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Nov 30, 2006
Hickory, MS
Do we need a sub forum just for transformers, or change the description of this forum to include transformers so I don't have to move them all. 

Transformers do not have an obvious home...

+1. I know transformers get mentioned a lot but so do tubes/valves. The 2D matrix we have right now works very well. If you are designing a transformer you go to drawing board, if you have trouble with one then go to the lab.


It would seem transformers are the component most considered voodoo by novices, with operation least understood.  The same questions get asked and answered (or ignored) almost on a daily basis.  If there was a subform, at least the reading would be organized for dummies, so to speak.  Might cut down on endless questions, and sequester the topic a bit.  Obviously just about every possible question has been answered here already, but finding it is another matter.  Heck, even finding the META isn't obvious. 

EmRR said:
It would seem transformers are the component most considered voodoo by novices, with operation least understood.  The same questions get asked and answered (or ignored) almost on a daily basis.  If there was a subform, at least the reading would be organized for dummies, so to speak.  Might cut down on endless questions, and sequester the topic a bit.
I understand all that, but wouldn't creating a specific sub-forum for x-formers actually promote the myth of them being somewhat supernatural?

  Obviously just about every possible question has been answered here already, but finding it is another matter.  Heck, even finding the META isn't obvious. 
  Then we should analyse why, and try to fix this issue.
I am just trying to KISS and avoid extra work for me....

I already don't visit about half the sub forums here, and don't expect to spend much time talking about transformers.

I'll gladly let you (abbey) move these posts where you think they belong...  8)

abbey road d enfer said:
IINM this question was about measuring xfmr performance, so I think the Chamber was the right place. How it landed in the Machine Shop is a mystery to me.
I moved one there already before more showed up here...

I thought answering repetitive questions was what the meta were for. Maybe a Meta sub group for 'common knowledge'.


Phrazemaster said:
What about a components sub forum to encompass them all?

Tubes, Trannies & ?
Indeed, that would make more sense than having just xfmrs. However, seems to me it would reinforce the mystic approach to components that plagues other forums, and that's not the paradigm here. I may be too much of a purist though... :eek:
abbey road d enfer said:
Indeed, that would make more sense than having just xfmrs. However, seems to me it would reinforce the mystic approach to components that plagues other forums, and that's not the paradigm here. I may be too much of a purist though... :eek:
I agree it would feed into that mentality - however those kinds of discussions happen anyway. Wouldn’t you like them all tucked away into one little corner of the forum you never have to visit?  ;)
We can't stop magical thinking (at least I haven't been able to after decades trying).

I do not see how organization encourages or discourages that, while members all too frequently pursue old legacy technology for some imaginary benefit.

I'm old, trust me old is not automatically better.

The word 'Trannies' could cause confusion and wind up bringing totally the wrong kind of attention to our forum  ;D
language has turned into a mine field nowadays due to PC'ness .
Convo's often wander off topic, despite it not suiting some who prefer everything nicely and neatly boxed up and in its place ,
the search surely works across all site content ,but if people want to spend time re-organiseing stuff Im fine with that too.
abbey road d enfer said:
Indeed, that would make more sense than having just xfmrs. However, seems to me it would reinforce the mystic approach to components that plagues other forums, and that's not the paradigm here. I may be too much of a purist though... :eek:
As I am sure you know, there is much more to choosing components than their mystic powers. These questions have and will come up whether or not we make a particular place for them. So far those of us who reply have managed to steer clear of the mysticism and debunk or ignore it where it does occur. I think providing a particular place for component questions will encourage more people to ask about them, knowing there is a very good chance of getting a sensible answer.

