Pultec overhead 3 torroid solution(pics)

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2004
Ok, a couple people have asked me for this and I have it
opened because I actually orded a amveco for the third torroid instread of that check radioshack I was using.

Ok, this is from memory, it's been several months.. All parts were initally from ChuckD's list. 2 62082's, 1 62063.
On one 62082 and the 62063 tie purple and back together and yellow and red together. That's the 115v side. Then on the 62082 it's brown-green and red-blue. (in my pick this goes to red and black extentions.) Then off the left board we hop off the red and black extentions (the pcb basicly T's thows wires and then a fuse) and go back into the other 62082.
(Ok so we are doing heater voltage with these first two, 62082 and 62063's)
but now, we are going to feed the second transformer (like you would normall have in a mono setup) so that we can "step down to 12 and then up to 220v" I get 8(62082) and 10(62063) idle.
Anyway so, the red off the pcb goes to the blue into the 62082 and only the blue, cover the green. The black connects to red and brown. Now out of the other side we tie together red and black and put purple into red (220 ac) top and yellow to green (220 ac) bottom.
ok, now with the 62063, you just plug that into board #2 as the 12v heater, I dont have a fuse just cause I'm lazy, I don't think it matters.
But this was the thing that did the trick, the other board had to have it's own heater PS, don't ask me why, I don't know, I 'haven't a clue, but I burned up saturated p/s's in mono, and when I went stereo the noise floor was compelte crap until I did a seperate heater PS. I could always get great results with only one side connected to ground, but never two. anyway, I'm just happy it works. I did tests with my crappy behringer ada8k and posted them, and actually, I just got another ada8k today and relized the one I did the tests with the ada8k was bunk on one side, but it's still quite accuate, those are here:
so you can check your noise floor, it seemed like forever before I got -90db.

So now I get everything within .02 db and the only issue now is airflow. :(
one of my good tubes changes gain after long periods of being on. But take the cover off and it runs for days.. I also noitced by the way, after buying several sets of tubes, that one set of tubes was almost 3db total lower than another, so I'd get more than one set eventually..





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