A very nice and informative post!
Circuit design comment:
The high-ish heater voltage of the 408A is utilized with two tubes in series, to match the heater requirements of a VF14 replacement.
This configuration would be physically different anyway, so why bother with two tubes, when a larger dropping resistor could work? Does it make the noise 3dB lower? Copying a crisis era circuit with their contemporary materials limitations, for some sonic magic may not be such a good idea.
The cable used has several paralleled conductors, which could be broken out to provide a separate heater power, of any suitable voltage, for any suitable tube. Why not?
The 1.5K heater dropping resistor carries all the whatever noise at 42.4mA from the HV PSU, and this gets divided down with a 27R to be ~39dB lower signal (or some other number with resistor inductance included) which is injected into the input signal. No bypassing is done here. Why not? The PSU box has plenty of space.
The heater current would essentially swamp out any current variation of the tube(s) and negate any negative feedback from this resistor, which would not be much anyway with a 100K load of the plates. (-73dB). The current from the heaters and the tube(s) would be ~42.4mA (a little less than the 50mA spec for the tube), 2.7W into the 1500 Ohm resistor. Is the location of this resistor not better inside the power supply, or is the extra heating useful for some other purpose?
The comments above would indicate 44.3V (?) on the plates, which would translate into a combined plate current of 0.467mA, well outside the 7 - 9 mA range for "typical" datasheet RF operation of the tube as a pentode. I cannot find any grid/plate curves for this tube in a triode configuration.
Clearly the tube(s) are operated outside their design intention, 100Meg on the grids is only 100 times the max recommended. No grid stopper for RF reduction either. The shielding may be sufficient for that.
The measurement of the voltage divider includes the load of the DMM, typically 10 Meg, so it would be lower than the calculated 63V.
The choice of reed-relay is for a HV type, but the grids carry a very low voltage, unless the capsule breaks down and shorts to the grids with 2 micro joules of charge from the 10nF cap. Not sure how likely this would be.
Some ideas, maybe wrong:
- The output transformer could be in series with the 100K plate, the low current should not saturate the core(?) Then the coupling cap is not needed.
- Use one tube.
- Separate the heater supply with its own wire, DC regulate it to a suitable value for the tube used. The ground return could be used if the regulator noise is low enough. Allows for easy experimentation of heater voltages.
- The tube cathode bias could be an IR-LED, seen in tube phono amps, here selected for its forward voltage at the relevant current. Not sure if the noise would be lower. Several types could replace the 29R resistor with 45 mA heater current. I'd be curious to know.
- Bypass the 29R or IR-LED with a very low ESR cap, like OSCON or similar. 5 milli Ohm ESR is parallel with 29R or an IR-LED could not hurt. Could be 75dB better.
- Battery bias. Batteries have low noise, should last a long time in series with 100Meg. then the cathode(s) could be grounded.
- High value resistor have higher noise. Metal foil and wire wound types have better tempco and lower noise, could be physically larger and are not accountant friendly.
my $0.02