1176 rev d problem

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
Hi all
I just finish my 1176 rev d but seems it doesn't work at all
when I go to calibrate the r44 doesn't move the vu metrer
One of the strange thing I noticed, when I turn up the out pot without any signal the vu meter goes to full scale +3
and when I try with a signal on it seem it works only in and out pots without any kind of compression
so the attack and release don't change anything
I already check the wiring and the components placement/value, but nothing...I'm going mad :-[
Could you please guys help me ?
Thank you so much
Hi jwhmca
yes I did it even if I did't check with the multimeter
do you think this could be solve the problem?
Thanks for the help I'll fix it
Sounds like you have a bad component in the path somewhere. Did you check and measure everything before soldering to the board?

Another possibility is you have something wired wrong
First of all thank you guys for the great support and help
this is exactly what I was thinking about Aaronrash, a bed component somewhere...
When I can I will check the voltage and try to find the probs...
and sure Abechaop024, I will also chack again the in and out wiring
Jwhmca, I don't have noise on the out, I've got it only if I put the out fully clockwise ( and the meter goes full scale) and the input in the mid
Thanks again guys I'll let you know asap
Chrys  :)