A distressor is an 1176 but with opamps, critcal components are just copy paste. Input and output transformers are replaced with textbook opamp circuits, nothing fancy there. The distortion thing is a wrong calibrated 1176, fet circuit is exactly the same. Instead of fancy switches some standard logic is used. Who is talking about cloning?
I need the values of trimmers of a distressor, all is written on the pcb in there, no schematic is needed for that. Also all experience on pcb manufacturing companies are welcome. I need double sided pcb, half the size of a 19 inch unit. Design is done in Kicad.
The idea is a 16 channel unit with very soft knee compressor max 5 db of gain reduction, the goal is more 3 db. And an instant limiter. Almost no controls. A set and forget unit that adds a vintage vibe with a wink at a multitape recorder.