Hey there, as I have been pondering about passive filter designs in passive dynamic mics (was intrigued by the new Audio Technica ATS-99, and upon googling, found schematics on the MD441 & E945) to improve the frequency response of the capsule.
Just some questions to clarify my understanding (image taken from Sub-continental.com):

So in essence, a dynamic mic by itself is already a resonant LR circuit by design (L from the capsule, R from the input impedance). Am I correct in saying that any components added in between the circuit will change its resonance to a certain degree? I understand from MD441 that the filters are there to do low cuts and "presence" boost, but I'm not sure about the implementation in the E945 (heard from somewhere its doing a 10kHz boost, and if yes by how many dB?). Is this circuit a series LCR in parallel with the capsule?
Anyway, as a practice, I assembled a podcast style dynamic for myself (inspired by DSB-1: A DIY dynamic microphone for $30 -, to do something like a SM7B on a budget lool) I tried ordering the same capsule as the blogs, but it came looking different. Implemented a bit of low-pass filter ard 35Hz and RF filter with 1.5MOhm resistor & 3.3nF caps (on hindsight i think the 1.5MOhm resistor may have been unnecessary), added some foam to dampen the internal chamber : )
Pics in attachment and lmk what you think of the mic! (I actually have more of the mic body shell kept aside for future builds, I'm planning to implement the passive resonant filters in the next dynamic mic)
Just some questions to clarify my understanding (image taken from Sub-continental.com):

So in essence, a dynamic mic by itself is already a resonant LR circuit by design (L from the capsule, R from the input impedance). Am I correct in saying that any components added in between the circuit will change its resonance to a certain degree? I understand from MD441 that the filters are there to do low cuts and "presence" boost, but I'm not sure about the implementation in the E945 (heard from somewhere its doing a 10kHz boost, and if yes by how many dB?). Is this circuit a series LCR in parallel with the capsule?
Anyway, as a practice, I assembled a podcast style dynamic for myself (inspired by DSB-1: A DIY dynamic microphone for $30 -, to do something like a SM7B on a budget lool) I tried ordering the same capsule as the blogs, but it came looking different. Implemented a bit of low-pass filter ard 35Hz and RF filter with 1.5MOhm resistor & 3.3nF caps (on hindsight i think the 1.5MOhm resistor may have been unnecessary), added some foam to dampen the internal chamber : )
Pics in attachment and lmk what you think of the mic! (I actually have more of the mic body shell kept aside for future builds, I'm planning to implement the passive resonant filters in the next dynamic mic)
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