this could have been answered in your 1 post. Instead people must skirt around the subject offering their different solution instead of trying to teach someone.
Ya know, there's a theory about teaching a man to catch fish.... but sometimes it makes more sense to take a pre-caught fish.
Especially when he proposes two ships and eight nets to catch lunch.
owel told you what to do. Simple, works. Done.
So i made this circuit in LTSpice. ... So whats the problem? Is it wrong?
Your first "threw together" plan shows both AC sources as a single transformer winding.
Your LT sim uses two separate (and not-CT) AC sources.
They are not even the same.
In your LT diagram (why do you draw 2*10000u, when SPICE has 20000u caps? I'll ignore the even-number caps), C1 C3 C5 C7 are in series. AND the C1-C3 junction is shorted to the C5 C7 junction. So most of the caps are redundant.
So is one of the bridges.
What do you WANT? +24V to power some antique preamp, and +48V phantom?
I really think that Phantom, being hung on the front of the chain, ought to be -completely- separate from Amplifier Power, usually stuffed into the last stage of the amp. I'm not the only one to think so.
Also that most home-brew (and many commercial) Phantom supplies are flawed.
And that jacking-up a few mA of 48V when you need 100 mA of 24V begs for two supplies.
But simplicity trumps all theory. This can work.