2A3 preamp

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2004
Sussex, UK

Check this out. How ridiculous is it to build a mic preamp from this schematic. I know it is going to be a lot of level - maybe 35dbm or over. Can someone shed some light on this circuit. Cost etc - transformers??

I dont understand the heater/cathode circuit - where does it get filament voltage from. Or it does not need a filament winding - heaters are powered by byproduct of cathode voltage????
More like a program amp. I wouldn't go out of my way to do this for mic purposes. Usually the 2A3 cathode resistor connects the the CT of the filament winding. It's just not shown here. Headroom possibility looks high, but it puts out no more than you put in plus fixed gain, which isn't high here. You'll need a pricey quality SE power output to get good fidelity here. Unless you get lucky, and already have one. And price of 2A3....
> I dont understand the heater/cathode circuit - where does it get filament voltage from.

Kids today. Connect 2.5VAC across the 2A3 heater pins, "of course". Everybody knew that.... back in 1935!

You will need a separate dedicated 2.5VAC winding for each 2A3. And another 6VAC winding for all your 6SN7s. Hammond has PTs for this.

> d a mic preamp from this schematic. I know it is going to be a lot of level - maybe 35dbm or over.

Max output is 3.5 Watts, which is indeed +35dBm. Over 45V rms 126V peak-peak in 600 ohms. More than enough to explode most input chips.

6SN7 gain is 15. 2A3 needs 45V peak to make +35dBm. So we need 3Vpk 2Vrms at 6SN7 input to make 45Vrms output. Raw gain is 45/2= 21, or 26.4dB. A dynamic mike straight in will make a weak line level. A hot condenser will make more, but how do you stick Phantom on it? A 1:10 mike transformer gives overall gain 46dB, input overload 0.225V. Some hot-music hot-mike situations will overload it (though the smoke from your ADC may be more annoying than the mild distortion).

Input noise with 1:5 or 1:10 mike transformer is fine. Just don't put the gain pot there or effective S/N goes down when you use it. Don't put the gain pot between 6SN7 and 2A3, because the 6SN7 can just about drive the 2A3 if you don't waste any of the 6SN7's effort. Don't put the gain pot at the output because 3.5 Watt pots are hard to find. I suppose in the middle is the best compromise.

It isn't the tubes. It is how you use them.

> More like a program amp.

Yup. My monster console had 2*6V6, would do 10 Watts (+40dBm), was rated very-clean +35dBm. But it had more voltage gain.
[quote author="PRR"]You will need a separate dedicated 2.5VAC winding for each 2A3. [/quote]

That's alway been my assumption; I think it's funny that I've never seen this bit addressed. I figure a lot of people probably try stereo direct heated amps on one filament winding since it's not ever addressed.

Don't put the gain pot between 6SN7 and 2A3, because the 6SN7 can just about drive the 2A3 if you don't waste any of the 6SN7's effort. I suppose in the middle is the best compromise.

Gut tells me you don't really want to use power tubes without capable drivers; better off to use lower power tubes. Start with max power and design backwards, right? Headroom is nice, but it comes at a price with these methods.
sorry to be an idiot - but there are 4 pins on a 2a3. Is the heater and cathode the same thing on a 2a3????

I know that the circuit is much more important than the tube used but what I also know is that higher rated tubes sound great when used in application that demands less power. I have 6v6 line preamps and they just sound so much fatter than your typical 9 pin tubes. Bigger more solid sound platform.

What output transformer would be good for this circuit.
[quote author="tardishead"]I have 6v6 line preamps and they just sound so much fatter than your typical 9 pin tubes. Bigger more solid sound platform.

What output transformer would be good for this circuit.[/quote]

Any output that can meet desired freq spec with tube current flow and potential output level. Reasonably safe to pull those max figures off the data sheet and shop from there. Hard to find new power type outputs with 600 ohm windings.

I really can't say any 9 pin tube device has ever sounded as good as comparable large bottle devices. It's a prejudice I have. I recall 6V6's were specifically designed to have predominately 2nd harmonic content, with the idea being they would be used in PP circuits and therefore cancel out 2nd and give very low distortion. So SE 6V6 sounds very thick and solid. A 9 pin device will almost always have more apparent zingy higher harmonic content. For a preamp evoking the 2A3 thing, you would probably do better to build with the classics; 27's, 36's, 56's, etc etc etc. Dig through the tube data books for 2 digit 1930's stuff between 27 and 89. Look at the 'conversion' bottles too; lots of tubes got make-overs to octal bases with new numbers. Why pay 2A3 prices if you don't have to? In a similar vein, you could look at the lower powered 45 tube that preceded the 2A3; still cost an arm and a leg.