2D Skyline Diffusers

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2011
Hi Folks,

I'd like to share a recent project with you.  I calculated these panels using QRDude and made the prototype here in our workshop in the UK.  They scatter down to 300hz and diffuse up to 5.5k, though there will be useful scattering above that.  The pictures show a dry run of our prototype so the ends of the pieces have not been sanded or finished.  If you have any interest in this project then by all means PM or e-mail me.  Contact info in sig.

This is a mixed hard wood panel including oak, maple, iroko & tulip wood:










Different calculations can be mad with QRDude which better suit your materials but altering the dimensions of the rectangulars on this design would change th frequency response of the panel.  The depth of the wells determin the panels low frequency response and the squared size of each piece determins it's hi frequency cut off.  This panel is designed to take care of and even out problematic low mids / mid range whilst also providing diffusion up to 5.5k.  It is because of the well depths that it is capable of this fairly broad frequency response. 

Hope this helps.   
You should try cutting the ends at an angle, this will improve diffusion.
I was able to come up with the complete sequence by cutting the same length piece with square ends, and then cutting those pieces in two at the angle. Then only 3 cuts are required to create the QRD sequence.
I've been wanting to do some of these for quite some time, but my space is limited.  I may just have to go with a narrower frequency range.  My mix room could really use some diffusion though!
usekgb said:
I've been wanting to do some of these for quite some time, but my space is limited.  I may just have to go with a narrower frequency range.  My mix room could really use some diffusion though!


I think if your low frequencies are taken care of with trapping which is an easy and comparatively cheap DIY project, you should be fine with something that doesn't reach as low as these in a control room.  I think these panels really come into their own in live rooms where you don't want too much absorption but you still want to take care of the low mids and create nice ambience, i.e drum rooms or large performance rooms.  That's not to say that they wouldn't be fantastic on the side walls behind the seating position or mixed with traps on the back wall.

Yes, I was thinking a little bit above and behind mix position.  My tracking room isn't bad right now.  It just needs a little bit of absorption here and there.  Very cool project you have going here!  It makes me want to bust out the saws.

Do it!

These are very satisfying to build once it all slots into place, you just have to be super accurate & square on the dimms of both the rectangulars and the frame. 

: )   