Brian Roth
Well-known member
Congrats!! Just a suggestion re. the logic chips: I would use high quality sockets for them. Machined pin types from a decent, trustworthy supplier.
Good news indeed. Well done.Good news!
As I went through the machine I reflowed a few more joints on the connector board, and now the crosstalk in sync is at a normal level, ie not excessive anymore. Thank you so much for all the guidance. Now the only thing left is to replace a few logic IC's on some of the amp boards as they went bad at the same time this happened. But that is not a big deal, only four IC's on a few boards.
This forum rocks
I remember many years ago a visit to a struggling UHF TV station. They had several old RCA 2" "Quad" video tape machines. RCA stickers were randomly on the metal cabinet. My friend/tour guide explained those were the locations to try pounding on the cabinet to correct a fault.Happy your machine is working again. An old boss of mine said hit it and see if it works, once is maintenance but twice is abuse.
Sounds like you worked at Media Sound in NYC. LOLI remember the old MCI JH24 - every morning before starting recording or mixing for the day you’d give the record/repro card drawers a good bash so everything would work. Once a week or if the bash didn’t work you’d pull and reseat all the cards. Worked fine that way for years as no one wanted to fit new connector bases - no internet to source bits easily and a long downtime for a busy studio to allow to do the job.
No. Was one studio in Melbourne in the ‘70s and two in the ‘80s one in Melbourne and one in Sydney and later two in Byron Bay in the ‘90s - studio 2 at one studio and main studio at the other. Coincidentally the same tape machine and MCI console from the first studio migrated to another studio that I worked in and then yet another in the ‘90s - same tape machine, same kickstart quirksSounds like you worked at Media Sound in NYC. LOL