2N3707 Substitutes?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
did a search, didnt come up with much. Can anyone reccomend a substitute for the 2N3707 used in an 1176? Will a 2N5088 work? For some reason the 1176 Im working on has 2n5088's stuffed in place and I think that might be part of my problem today...

actually, comparing the central datasheets, the 5088 shouldnt be a problem, right? I linked through the data sheets at mouser. Any good reason not to use a 5088 in place of a 3707? Any other suggestions?

i've seen them substituted in 1176s with no problem. also, i have some 2n3707s if you really want them. but 2n5088s should work fine.

just looked at a data sheet for the 2n3707 the pinout is ecb

the 5088 should be ebc

I would check the pinout. I would need to look at the schematic and where the 5088 are being used for more ideas.
yes, noticed the difference between the pinout. I compared to a 3391a which has the same pinout as a 3707 and was able to find a bunch that I had with hfe over 400, so I used those throughout the whole 1176 in place of 3707. I got the line amp working but cant get it to compress, Im gonna update my other thread...

if the sidechain amp isn't working with 2n3391as, you should swap them all for 2n5088s. also, Q5 the second transistor in the line amp should probably be changed out for a 2n5088.

Im gonna try that now, the meter driver amp is working fine, but I dont really hear any compression and there is no change in distortion when adjusting the attack and release controls.

my multimeter has a transistor socket on it. Is that not an accurate method to determine hfe? Im figuring that if it isnt a good measure of the true beta, its probably good enough to sort transistors into similar batches, right?

> I dont really hear any compression

Are you feeding it enough signal?

Enough UN compressed very dynamic signal?

This is an FET limiter, right? Put a voltmeter on the FET gate. A high-impedance (VTVM) needle-meter is much better than a DVM, but a DVM will be much better than a basic passive needle multimeter.
PRR, on ed's suggestion I swapped out the 2n3391a's in the sidechain for 2n5088's, calibrated it and it completely rocks.

It is a fet limiter.

A VTVM on the gate should show a drop or increase in voltage when the fet goes into compression? Just curious.


Spencerleehorton said:
could a BC550 work?

Reverse pinout. If you need <500hFE, use the C suffix and you're more likely to hit the target. A 549A or B won't be in that gain bucket very often.