2SC3329 model - looking for

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[quote author="clintrubber"][quote author="bcarso"]Do a search on bookfinder.com for ISBN 0471619507.

You will see several copies, not all distinct (the usual alibris duplication at work, and other multiple listing things). Cheapest is 9.95 USD + shipping, unless someone has already snagged it. The highest price is $242.15 (!).[/quote]
That's a no-brainer, Brad thanks for spotting ! :thumb:
Couldn't complete my order yet, but the book should be reserved for me jump too fourfold, let's wait now for anothernow.


Grrrr :evil: Was a bit too good to be true.
Order was completed yesterday, all went smooth, but just received a notice the book isn't available anymore for some reason. Is that common practice over there ?
Let's see what passes by before I jump for a higher priced one...
I've had that happen a few times. Bookfinder searches all sites it can access, but of course it's up to the individual booksellers to update promptly. Sometimes it's incompetence or system failure---the book may have been on the shelf and sold in the store after having been listed, and the inventory is not updated.

Very rarely I suspect some sellers have second thoughts, and withdraw the book if it suddenly generates a lot of interest so they can offer it later at a higher price. But besides being dishonest, that will generate a bad reputation in a hurry.

Another thing I've found when searching is that some books get listed by ISBN without showing up accurately by title and author. So it is worth looking for a while with different search terms. Also misspellings are ways that books hide---I found a copy of Van der Ziel's early classic Noise listed as Van der Zeil*. If you searched for "noise" only you would get a huge number of books, and although if you sorted through you'd find the one with the listing error you might run out of patience.

I think in fact I did that once. It was funny to get so many copies of Don DeLillo's novel White Noise :grin: I eventually read the book, which is pretty amusing.

Then just now I see there's a poetry collection offered called Pink Noise. That would be fun to peruse, but not at >90 bucks.

EDIT: *Properly, van der Ziel. At least bookfinder (properly, BookFinder, haha) is not case-sensitive!
[quote author="bcarso"]I've had that happen a few times. Bookfinder searches all sites it can access, but of course it's up to the individual booksellers to update promptly.[/quote]
All should be well now, www.abebooks.com had a copy (that went along the way from listing to checkout from US$37 to 45 (still excl. shipping), but OK, let them have it). Let's see what the confirm-email will tell about availability.

Also misspellings are ways that books hide---I found a copy of Van der Ziel's early classic Noise listed as Van der Zeil*.
I guess we have another often misspelled name here. Let's add it to the list of Wien/Wein, Philips/Phillips :wink:

BTW, I saw in the '93 that Mr. Motchenbacher thanks his dad, Motshenbacher (or something like that, don't have the book here), but that change in spelling will be of another kind.

As you'll know, misspellings can also be your friend though; where a search for a certain brand doesn't give any, when in need of a certain thing browsing through online-adds can reveal gear from a misspelled brand and as a result there will be less bidders on an item. I believe all the three mics I have from BayerDynamite were from such auctions :wink:

It was funny to get so many copies of Don DeLillo's novel White Noise :grin: I eventually read the book, which is pretty amusing.

:wink: :thumb:


[quote author="CJ"]bon jovi suks
richie zambiora ids a studio guy, there fore, they suk.[/quote]
Uhhh, wasn't looking for wannabe supermodels, but for a BJT-model !

Looks like you're in a suk-period, heard of out national heroes yet ? Might be interesting:

[quote author="bcarso"]Very rarely I suspect some sellers have second thoughts, and withdraw the book if it suddenly generates a lot of interest so they can offer it later at a higher price. But besides being dishonest, that will generate a bad reputation in a hurry.[/quote]
Talking about reputation, is it normal that both the initial bookprice and shipping cost jump (for no apparent or any given reason) when the final confirmation email pops up ?
I don't care too much about those additional dollars (what are they worth anyway :twisted: ), but I simply don't like it when it goes like that. The fun is gone then imho.
I've never had that happen. When I use bookfinder I have it set up with my ZIP code. The displayed price is set up to be the book price alone, and if I move the mouse cursor over it the shipping cost and total show up.

As far as I can recall the seller has always honored the displayed price, but perhaps some have a clause that allows it being adjusted upward. I think I would complain to bookfinder, as their credibility is tied to the accuracy and ranking in accordance with price.
[quote author="bcarso"]I've never had that happen. When I use bookfinder I have it set up with my ZIP code. The displayed price is set up to be the book price alone, and if I move the mouse cursor over it the shipping cost and total show up.

As far as I can recall the seller has always honored the displayed price, but perhaps some have a clause that allows it being adjusted upward. I think I would complain to bookfinder, as their credibility is tied to the accuracy and ranking in accordance with price.[/quote]
After the $9something-deal bounced I went for the thirty-something book at AbeBooks and got an 'updated' bookprice to US$45 but indeed the same shipping-amount as I had seen. This was then passed on to the actual seller (smaller bookshop I presume) that contacted me with a price that was also 'updated' w.r.t. shipping. One 'update' without reason is OK, but we're not that stupid here. I asked for more info but don't think I'll hear from them again. They won't see my money either. I prefer to enjoy shopping, be it for real or in cyberstore.
FWIW, bookshelf here now has the 1973-Motchenbacher as well, a good eBay BuyNow popped up.
Thanks guys for the recomm., it looks indeed a worthwhile to have (even despite 'work' has the 1993-version).


bcarso said:
But still no 2SC3329 model?  ;D

Searched my hard drive and found two, their parameters differ quite a bit. Quality unknown, source unknown (I must have found them somewhere on the web).

*SRC=2SC3329;QSC3329;BJTs NPN;Amplifier;80 V .1A
.MODEL QSC3329 NPN (IS=10.1F NF=1 BF=910 VAF=161 IKF=60M ISE=1.11P NE=2
+ BR=4 NR=1 VAR=20 IKR=90M RE=3.15 RB=12.6 RC=1.26 XTB=1.5
+ CJE=45.5P VJE=1.1 MJE=.5 CJC=14.6P VJC=.3 MJC=.3 TF=3.78N TR=2.63U)
*  80 Volt  .1 Amp  42 MHz  SiNPN  Transistor  07-28-1995
*PINOUT TO-92 3 2 1

.model Q2sc3329 NPN(Is=214.8f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=215.7 Bf=358.9 Ise=2.465p
+              Ne=2.265 Ikf=1.542 Nk=.8514 Xtb=1.5 Var=100 Br=6.713 Isc=303.1f
+              Nc=1.158 Ikr=787.1 Rc=5.9 Cjc=19.21p Mjc=.3345 Vjc=.3905 Fc=.5
+              Cje=5p Mje=.3333 Vje=.75 Tr=10n Tf=3.395n Itf=1 Xtf=0 Vtf=10)
Interesting and puzzling.  The first one has Rb too high (Toshiba says 2 ohms, which is the major appeal of the part---very low noise at healthy currents for low source impedances), the second one doesn't mention it at all!

But thanks for those in any case.
bcarso said:
But still no 2SC3329 model?  ;D

Ha !  ;D

The weird thing with various models you find out there is that often more or less hefty errors are present.
The RB you spotted for instance. And sometimes even the 'gender' of BJTs is swapped.
Easy to correct, but doesn't give too much confidence for the rest of the model-params.
And there's always breadboarding...

Thanks kvant for posting!


> The weird thing with various models you find out there is that often more or less hefty errors are present <

Circuitmaker has about half of the P channel DMOS with the wrong polarity threshold voltage!  That will have you scratching your head until it's corrected!

Their zener diode models are also "fun"---they have voltage generators built in!  You don't need a power source with these puppies.  Totally misleading.  To make a zener you have to roll your own, unless the circuit always has the part conducting---if you are looking to see if it will protect a DMOS gate from overvoltage for example, the existing models are useless.  Also, almost all the schottkies have huge long transit times, in the microsecond range, not at all accurate.

Someone got very lazy.  "Hey Joe, what's a good number for transit time?"  "Oh, just use whatever some other diode's is."  "OK, how about one of these 300A rectifiers---that should work."  My friend's theory was the program started as someone's senior project and never recovered.  Of course some of the model errors could have been in the manufacturer's data.
lagoausente said:

Thanks, but I have them, this was about simulation-models for them.
Either way, doesn't hurt to have another link in case needing more.


bcarso said:
Of course some of the model errors could have been in the manufacturer's data.

IIRC a few of the BJT-models I downloaded from Fairchild had also gotten a gender-change.
We could say that it keeps us awake, but indeed some erros are less directly obvious.

I guess it'll always remain easier for non-hardware, just send a quick update...

