500 series. On board 12v sub regulator for relays, LEDs. Noise? Hassle?

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2017
I'm thinking about building a 500 series PCB with a 12v LDO to run relays or LEDs or a neon beer sign.

Wondering if sub-regulator the standard 16vdc is a good idea?

I could just run all these extra things off the audio power supplies, but thought maybe it would have less noise issues if I ran the sub regulator idea?
As I've been taught by folks here, less noise would be about ground layout, whatever the source.

Why not the standard LM317?


we worry about "digital noise" in analog systems, where the digital is switching quickly, in the audio range. Imagine a switching power supply switching away at 14kHz, or 20kHz. The last thing you'd want is that coupling into the analog band, especially in the audio range.

An LED Array, acting as a VU meter, would be flickering away at the rate the audio is running at. Not good for flickering digital return currents coupling into the analog audio path.

But, Relays and static LED's (e.g. status LED's) shouldn't cause too much  audio band noise.

As Boji stated, have a separate ground return path for the relay and LED current. I think there's more danger in the ground potential changing with digital AC current than anything going on at the higher voltage rails.
