A fullly electric fire department truck

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2004
third stone from the sun
Well looks like l.a. is getting a fully electric fire department water truck. While I do think this is a neat idea, I also am reminded how spotty our electrical grid can be and how we often have to beg people to not run everything at home during peak hours or risk the grid shutting down.
Unreliable power in a studio situation sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen , a diesel gen chuzzling away in the backround isnt much of an option either in a residential situation , so what do you do, have the computers on uninteruptable PSU's?

I think unless there some kind of auxiliary internal combustion powered generater that charges the battery on said electric truck it probably runs out of L/per minute pump rate capacity way way before old style petrol power , if someones house gonna burn down because of bad electricals who gives a damn about burning some gassoline to get to the scene and fight the fire in the most effecient reliable way .
Someone in local government had a 'save the planet /away with the faries' idea and managed to get buy in to waste public money on a flight of fancy for social media consumption ,and uping their approval rate in the next election on 'green 'credentials , doesnt add up for me .
Ah right ,has on board diesel back up power ,
definately doesnt look like a toy , but still the cynic in me is sceptical .
Fire engines have sirens and flashing lights and intenionally make noise , the more noise they make the more chance people in the neighbourhood are alerted to the danger . Also if a building is on fire in the area what odds does a small amout of extra polution/noise from a well tuned engine make , very little . I guess one possible benefit is the short wheel base body format , its liable to be able to get places much faster and go into locations a regular big fire engine cant ever get to , might serve the people in the densely packed neighbourhoods better but its almost always the leafy suburbs that get the flagship media ops .

Maybe tell Weinstein and friends they need better fire insurance and by way of payback must donate a few new Rosenbaur appliances to some of the less well served districts in LA .

I couldnt resist a couple of fireman jokes ,

'Hey man did you here about the hose that was into BDSM ?'

'yeah ,it had a few kinks in it .'

I bet Harv's had to get used to handling a few kinked hoses these days too , appart from his own :)
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I'm skeptical too. As I mentioned in the first post, we have a pretty dodgy electrical grid out here, it's been a point of issue in the last several years having caused multiple large fires duo to being poorly maintained. It's also subject to us citizens being as to not use as much so we don't have blackouts from overload. Exactly what one wants when having to charge electric vehicles.
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