I don't think the block diagram or board-series is complete. I don't see the main mix stages on the block; stereo is implied but not drawn out. Nevertheless we know most all of it. The input channels account for most of it just because there are so many. The headphone driver is the next heavy load, but there's just one (pair) of that. The line outs are thriftier. I've assumed some 5mA stages as well to cover missing bits.
13mA * 16 = 210mA
5mA * 6 = 30mA
(2.5mA+3.5mA) * 4 = 25mA
(2.5mA+17mA) * 2 = 40mA
305mA DC
21V DC
6.4 Watts DC
This is very similar to a 3-Watt 8 Ohm audio amplifier.
All stages of the PopMix have significant B+ filtering. The main supply does NOT have to be very clean.
Double DC Watts for PT AC VA: 13VA
Get 12V 1 Amp PT, bridge rectifier, 2,200uFd 25V cap. This will come to 18V-20V DC. Not the noted 21-22V, but in any case this board will NOT output "Pro Audio Level" (10Vrms), about half that, and a couple volts either way on the supply won't change it.
The power supply is so simple, and the mixer so rudimentary, that IMHO no "board" is warranted. Solder FWB ~~ legs to PT 12VAC, solder cap to FWB +/- pins, apply shoe-goo to a box and slap it in. If the PopMix turns out to be a life-time keeper, you can do-up a "nice" supply when you get a roundtuit. If not, you have a 20V DC supply for general mayhem.