Alvin Bragg walks back Jan 3 memo

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I have been sheltering in place in small town MS for decades.

Always the optimist I don't think the recent decline in civility is irreversible but the first step is to see the people behind the curtain trying to tear us apart. Next step is to unite against those bad forces.

The recent election in VA revealed parents of school age children as a new, highly motivated, voting block. I see this trend continuing and expanding.

There is still a lot that needs fixing, the first step is to understand that we are in the middle of this conflict.

The recent election in VA revealed parents of school age children as a new, highly motivated, voting block. I see this trend continuing and expanding.

There is still a lot that needs fixing, the first step is to understand that we are in the middle of this conflict.


While more recently (and less completely) corrupted places, like VA, seem to be slowing or reversing the errant swing left, this is not the case in the more populous (and therefore politically dominant) parts of CA. If anything the situation is worsening.

Summer of 2020 convinced me that it was no longer tenable, much less salvageable. When the majority in an educated, upscale area support violent rioting and looting as valid expressions of dissatisfaction and try to silence the minority who disagree, something is deeply broken. Many of those who disagree are local small business owners who fear losing existing and future customers if they speak their mind. We had local law enforcement personnel disciplined for simply disagreeing with these radicals on social media. No, CA is not at all like VA. It is in deep trouble and the pain for those who are keeping it all afloat is just beginning.