Hiya JBW/Arrakis! My old reversing engineering notes were intended to assist some folks from the Ampex mailing list who were restoring old 350 machines and thus wanted a "drop in" PSU replacement. That project never got off the ground.
In these times, the electronic units (many folks call them "preamps" which is a wrong description of the original function) from the old Ampex machines ARE being gutted/modified/bastardized for usage as a mic preamp. I hate to see this happening....with the transports being sent to a landfill....but it's reality.
I see no need to faithfully recreate the 350 audio power supplies unless one wants to fully restore a 350. That is a complex project!
Instead, I'm thinking along the lines of a new PSU ***BASED ON*** the original schematic but in a package that doesn't have to fit the footprint of the OEM supply as required when doing a full restoration of the recorder.
The schematic is bare-bone simple from that 1950's era. One gotcha is the OEM power transformer. It had four secondary windings supplying:
1, High voltage for the B+ rail.
2. 5 VAC for the 5Y3 B+ rectifier.
3. "Whatever VAC" <grin> to feed the selenium rectifier which supplied DC to the filament of the input tube.
4. 6.3 VAC for the rest of the fire bottles.
If a change to the OEM design is made using modern silicon rectifiers for the B+, winding #2 (5 VAC) is no longer required.
I've been pondering the use of Antek toroidal transformers to provide at least two of the remaining windings, with a second "vanilla" transformer to provide the remaining filament winding. The Antek transformers are FAR less expensive compared to Hammond iron.
It's all just mental masturbation <g> for me at the moment.
I'm sure someone will step in and propose a complex solution using all sorts of modern solid state regulation circuitry.
I'm envisioning: a power transformer (probably a second for a filament rail), some silicon diodes, a pair of filter chokes, and some electrolytics to replicate the OEM supply's functionality for a "mic preamp" adaption of the original Ampex unit. That is the crux of the Ampex 351 PSU (with minor mods to the original design...silicon diodes) I am pondering.
KISS!!! Let's not overthink this with all sorts of "I can make this better" ideas. It worked for Ampex back then and they made a ton of money selling 350 machines with "stone age" designs.
BTW, I did find a Triad candidate for the B+ filter chokes....