I'm getting very close to building a two channel 436C with some of the EMI and NY Dave mods for attack and release etc. I expect to be building on terminal strips inside a steel chassis, with a toroidal power transformer outside and the audio transformers inside. I am taking the advice about shielding the control wiring into account, with a cover of some sort over the back of the face plate. Thanks to DaveP for his excellent photos and howto on his other varimu from scratch project, much appreciated and very inspiring. I hope you don't cut yourself on the photos of my metalwork - soon to come!
Transformers: Lundahl 1540 input transformers and Edcor XSM10K/600 outputs. The Edcor outputs were so cheap: if they don’t sound/measure well enough, I can always use them in a guitar amp or something, they were too cheap not to try out. DaveP's recommendation of the other Edcors is filed away just in case. I very much doubt the Lundahls will be the weak link in this project.
Reading NY Dave's valuable comments elsewhere it seems he had trouble with power supply stability limiting the useful range of the attack control, so I want to provide a good, stiff supply. Suggested above by DaveP: a large final cap. Another choice that would make sense to me in 2016 would be to split the 10K dropping resistor into 5K + 5K and make an additional filter section, and to do likewise with the 6K8 resistor on the other power supply node. I say "in 2016" because I can easily put 47 uF at every filter position with today's caps (size and price) and that seems to me that it would be more than enough filtering for ripple. The final cap: perhaps bump up to 100uF or 470 uF to lower the impedance at low frequencies just that much further. Which node? Both?
Also along the lines of power supply improvements: fast/soft recovery diodes, I've had good results with those before. I am using a full wave bridge at either 220V or 240V for the high voltage supply, instead of the original voltage doubler. My toroid is spec'ed well for the project I think: Antek model #AS-05T240, rated 50 VA overall, 220 or 240 V secondary, two heater windings rated 6.3V @2A each. I'll probably start with twisted AC heaters and only move to DC if I find hum to be a problem.
My one concern: is there SUPPOSED TO BE any sort of mojo interaction through the power supply in this unit? Will any of the side chain behavior be disturbed by well-meaning power supply "improvements" ? I am not so bold as to think I understand this circuit fully at the margins.
Any comments on which of the changes I suggest would be most fruitful and which I ought to stay away from? Other suggestions? Kibitzing? Tractor recommendations for spring planting season? Thanks!