Anyone know this Tim Williams Compressor ?

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2015
Sunny...Sometimes Florida- USA
I've seen some limited discussion on it.....Wasn't sure if anyone here has tried it or could tell me what kind of use it could be good for.


good question!
i'm also looking for ideas for supressor grid compressors with small signal pentodes.
for me its an good start into the world of compressors.
To me it looks like an ESP-esque design, even the CAD drawing style/output looks very similar.. maybe he's a close friend or one of his apprentices.

Is there a way to make it work with transistors?
Looks like a design for a ham radio.

I'm 99% certain Tim is active on the eevblog forum. Might be worth asking over there too. 
yesterday evening i played arround with this.
i cant find tube diodes in my box and simply add two semi diodes.
for the pentode i used an ef80 and the triode i replaces with one system of the ecc82.
i know, thats not the best choice but for the first experience it works.
after i add a signal to it, the idea becomes clear for me.
ttheres many small signal pentodes in my box so i want to see what effects on change the suppressor voltage.

(today i bougth some eaa91 tubes)

at this moment i think about an amplifier i build last year.
in this gear, the signal comes over g2 and not g1
screen grid modulation.
this amp works without any signal path caps.
maybe its possible to use g2 for an compressing like feedback.
the standard pentodes not change her amplification with changes on g3
I reached out to Tim over at eevblog .....tx iampoor1

At least I think I to wait and see...

I'll update with any progress..... Thanks for the responses!

so far I've only been able to find this bit of info.....

This is a feedforward SE compressor. The input signal is amplified with the input tube and a negative voltage is applied by the 1-sided rectification through the 6AL5 diode and smoothing capacitor
on the 'control' schedule. This shuts off the gain, depending on the average signal just in time. Feedforward, because the control signal * is * adjustable for *
reinforcement element, with feedback the output signal_
used to make a control signal, to control the gain.

Yes, in order to be able to exercise real influence, that grid is wrapped much nicer. This means that a voltage of 0 -> -4 V can 'reduce' 20 dB of voltage gain

I also found another Russian site with a good bit of operation theory of it  earlier in my search but didn't bookmark it ..... When I find it, I'll update...
good news !

i cant find some 6HZ6 for testing (small price) here in germany.
i make some tests with other pentodes.
i never try to make the g3 more negativ as the cathode.

today i calculate the resistors for other tubes to use.

thanks about the info to 0 -4 volts. thats an point for orientation about the needed gain for the triode.

i dont know what hapens with pentodes like ef80, ef86, ef183 and ef184.
these tubes have seperate pins for g3 and i test these for some similar effects
and maybe its possible to play with the smoothing cap for different release times...

but the pentode first ;)
okay... some news here.
the ef tubes ignoring negative voltages on grid3
i testes it from 0V to -12V and the output drops 0,5 volts rms

the ech81 needs 0V to -1.5V for the same limitation.
So i use the ech81
after that, i play an track with heavy base and get an output with more less base.
the whole volume are not reduced...

the sound over all ist not bad.
i think its possible to make somthing for small budget with it.

scott2000 said:
I reached out to Tim over at eevblog .....

His reply

"Yeah your evaluation is pretty much the gist of it. I never built that, so I don't know how well it actually works."


I'm guessing he was referring to the bit of info I posted about it.....

Okay... thanks for this info..

yesterday evening i search for more informations and get some what i not known before.
in europe they use for this application pentodes they called "regelpentode"
some from this family calls EF83, EF85, EF89 or EF183.
the pdf shows one schematic who's very similar to your first post.
for me i split it in 2 single lines and at the output i add one cathode follower stage.
in my box are some EF83 and EF183 Tubes.
for the side chain i prefer ECC81 or ECC82.



  • DynamikKompressor.pdf
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now, the first test is done.
i replace the ecc91 with an ecc81 and use two semi diodes because the eaa91 today not delivered.
the messurement behind the diods with 1k sinus 0,755 rms at the input are 62,8V + and - 62,8V.
this should not be much lower.
the compression are a little bit to slow but works.
i guess, the 100nF needs to much time to load.
i reduce it for a faster compression later or use one rotary switch to adjust it later.
at this moment, dont know about the reduction in db. This follows after after fix the attack timing.
for more details i have to messure anything completet and listen it with my hornspeakers.
now the dynamic section:
woah!  :p it sounds awesome...
the 3,3 cap between the triode stages prevent it to "overbass" and just "tune" the rest.
you can hear thats not only louder. its really more dynamic.

i like it and want to build one in an old rack chassis.
i have a lot of tracks to record it new.

this based on the schematic i posted before.

greetings from grey cold hamburg ;)
Now, im done with testing.
Here you see the backside of the first ready to use version.
in this case i use rca jacks because of using in my livingroom.

i splitt the sidechain to one ecc82 and one eaa91 on each side.
at the high voltage i splitt the b+ to 2 lines with diodes...

one thing i have to solve ist the output level. it needs to be regulate to the 0db level after i adjust the compression or expansion.
here i use one stepped  attenuator with 4 x 23 steps.
2 of them for the 1 meg pot replacement and the other 2 for adjust the output level.
i thinked about an tube based leveling but dont like the idea.
maybe i lose dynamic and silent parts...

this evening the front becomes her laserengraving  8)



  • 20190110_173734.jpg
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Any progress on this? I've found this schematic on some Russian site, obviously similar to the one above, but using Russian equivalents for EF82 and ECH81.

This is the link for those who speak Russian, which I don't. :(


  • TimWilliamsCompressor Russian Tubes.gif
    TimWilliamsCompressor Russian Tubes.gif
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Looking at thos thread remonded me of attached diagram for a single ended vari mu that I got from some obscure radio/electronics magazine about 20 years ago.    It's got a weird cross coupling thing around to the 2 6BA6 that I never really got my head round, but I think it maybe cancels out the sidechain.  Maybe someone with more experience can describe what's happening better.  I never got round to building it to see what it's like.


  • vm comp.jpg
    vm comp.jpg
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Looking at thos thread remonded me of attached diagram for a single ended vari mu that I got from some obscure radio/electronics magazine about 20 years ago. It's got a weird cross coupling thing around to the 2 6BA6 that I never really got my head round, but I think it maybe cancels out the sidechain. Maybe someone with more experience can describe what's happening better. I never got round to building it to see what it's like.
Dear Rob, I stumbled upon this schematic and I’m wondering if you could provide component values to it.

Seems like a quite interesting build.
Dear Rob, I stumbled upon this schematic and I’m wondering if you could provide component values to it.
The output stage is the interesting part, supposedly it can cancel the control-voltage feedthrough inherent in most single-ended compressors. Shouldn't be too hard to breadboard just the output stage with 'typical' values for anode and cathode resistors, and bench supplies for HT and CV. Rk2 will be for trimming the CV cancellation -try a 10k trimmer. If this stage can be made to work it wouldn't be hard to reverse engineer the sidechain. Here it is re-drawn for clarity.


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