Anyone using Advanced Visual Spice?

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2004
I recently bought this program, looks very good and comprehensive, gotta lot of learning to do re. how to drive it.

Anyway, it has only one tube model from what I can see, 12 AX7.

Does anyone know where I can get other models that will work with this software? thank you . :thumb:
I use this program and have collected or made quite a few tube models over the years. Recently though, my program (running on windows xp) has been unstable and crashes often. Each crash requires uninstall/reinstall and the company seems unresponsive to my many bug reports. I can no longer recommend this program because of the stability issues I experience but I can not afford to get another program.
The freeware Spice I downloaded came with a bunch of tube models.

This didn't have the one I wanted (6EM7), but Thomas was kind enough to provide it. For all the common ones:

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