Apogee DA-16x transformer noise

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2004
Austin, TX

I just picked up a used Apogee DA-16x and it has a transformer that's making some noise.  I don't think it's part of the power supply, it's on the main board.  You can see it in this picture to the right of the ribbon cable:


It's a high-pitched noise, not unlike noises my laptops make.  If I lightly squeeze the outer ring of the transformer, the noise gets much quieter. 

Is this something y'all would just live with, or would you send it in to Apogee?  If I had any idea where to find one of these transformers, I would just swap it out myself.  (btw, the part is a COEV SP-46-0220-12.  Google doesn't seem to know anything about it.)


I had this happen to a Uninterruptible Power Supply box.  the folks on here told me to dump a bunch of glue into the squealing transformer, that the problem was that the core had become loose and was acting basically like a tiny speaker.  Speakers are basically transformers with a cone attached to the core, that's what i took away from that lesson.  i never bothered to fix the UPS lol    I'm still a noob, so don't take my response as the answer.

thanks, I think you're right. 

after I calmed down a bit (this is the first proper piece of gear I've owned), I realized that it's probably just mechanically defective, but fine electrically.

I'm going to try some lacquer or something similar...
Or send it back to Apogee!

They're very accommodating for service to their products and will perform any upgrades to it while it's there.

Besides, why flirt with ruining a piece of kit that's worth more than a few bucks.



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