Looks interesting, but this Amazon review has me worried:
A poor cut-and-paste job - avoid, October 19, 2008
By E.J. Pitt "EJP" (Melbourne, Australia)
Frankly this offering is a disgrace to the publisher. The chapters by John Linsley Hood and Douglas Self are all lifted, without acknowledgment, from their other books, and also apparently without even any competent proof-reading. Both author's contributions talk about 'elsewhere in this book', referring to topics that are covered in those other books, not this one. One chapter by Douglas Self starts with a discussion of 'this frequency' without the slightest hint as to what 'this frequency' actually is. A poor cut-and-paste job. The lack of proof-reading applies to the whole book: every time I open it I find another error in a formula, or a repeated sentence, or other things that just don't make sense.