Audio mute with led indicator--PCB Layout

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First off,
I have no idea what I'm doing.

Will this work?
What do I need to change?

Blue traces are on the bottom, red is on the top.
The V will be controlled with a dpdt switch mounted on the face of the chassis with the other side (of the switch) on an led. A jumper will determine which 'throw' will be used.
There will be a total of 18 relays in a single ru.

Don't forget the diode across the relay coil...

There are only two traces crossing at one point, which can easily be avoided. If you are getting double sided boards anyway, you could dedicate the entire top layer to a ground plane. You could also
-move the relay in the middle and put the mounting holes beneath it, saving 1 square inch of board space.
-use the switching contacts of the input jack, shorting ring and tip together when nothing is plugged in.
-minimize the loop area wherever possible (like running the traces to the relay coil closer together, this will probably make no difference with the same current flowing through a coil...)
-short the output ring and tip together in audio off-position if you lose the jumper.
-add holes for 4 1M resistors connecting ouput+- and input +- to one single 'floating ac ground' point in case of future pop problems.

Just some ideas,
Here is the image..

I'll have to make changes when I get to work.
Thanks for the ideas..
Here is the updated PCB.

Since this is my first attempt at design, I could not visualize several recommendations. That is the reason they were not implemented
I decided to keep it a 1 layer board for cost. It would probably take a 2 layer board to place the 1m resistors.

More thoughts....

Thanks for all of the tips...

Here is the update.

The small trace width is .2-- I think that is in mm's. Is that too small?

Blue layer is bottom, red is top.

I switched the in/outs to the opposite sides of the contact. Now when the mute is activated, the audio will go to the ground jumper.. Isn't that bad? Or is that common practice?
I'm having trouble understanding this.

The mute circuit's input is always going to have an audio signal. So when the relay is switched, that live wire is going straight to ground. Is that okay?
