To say it’s not working is vague. Not working maybe be bad tubes, bad class A circuit or anything in between.
I always start by measuring the psu.
2 ways to check the PSU without a load and with a load. Because of the design, we can measure the PSU unloaded and see the expected voltages when powered on but not connected.
the color code for the 8 pin molex is as follows
green and blue wire is ground
Red = +34VDC(class A circuits V+)
Black = -34VDC(Class A circuits v-)
Orange = +12VDC(Relays, leds, vu buls)
Yellow = +6.X, usually around 6.2 - 6.3(heaters)
White = B+(usually around 180VDC)
As always measure in reference to ground.
Once connected back into the main board we can measure at the following points when turned on and see the following
Solder point T1 on the main board. This is where the B+ line runs into the tube card.
solder point T2 on the main board. This is where the heaters(DC) run into the tube card.
On card 5600-7373 measure the top of R34. It's the +34VDC for the class A circuits.
On card 5600-7373 measure the bottom of R43 as that is the -34VDC for the class A circuits.
There are acceptable variances on the class A stuff usually with in a volt or two. the B+ has an acceptable swing of around 5V. so while it is expected to be around 185V, anything with in 5V is considered acceptable, so like 180VDC is is often found. I have seen as low as 175 and been fine.
From there the 12V for the relays can be measured at the lamps as it also feeds the lamps and the leds. If they are working then your 12V is o.k. Unless a lamp is burned out, your 12vdc could be fine but the lamp is out. Replace lamp.
If the voltages are acceptable, we can look for visible damage and check the tubes,
Most common reason for lack of audio is a failed 6.3vdc circuit in the psu or bad tubes.
For the 6.3 circuit you probably have a failed rectifier and shorted cap C23. I forget it’s value off the top of my head but it is a lytic and easy to get. Go for a 105 temp version.
Bad tubes, can test and replace or swap all four at once like most blokes.