BAE Racked 1272 Questions

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2020
Fired up a pair of BAE racked 1272s that had been sitting around for a while from a decommissioned studio and ran into issues. The external PSU is being finicky and I suspect there might be some dodgy connections on the board so when I am in next time flipping it will be on the agenda. I could tap the board and get it working for a minute and while putting out the full 48V this mystery black box would emit a high pitched squeal present in both the audio path preamp and faintly in the air (like a transformer). No part number on it unless its under the velcro. What the heck is this thing? Some kind of choke and the squeal is from upstream in the PSU? It is mounted across V+ and 0V.

Wasn’t able to stay on for long before smoke started coming from one of the amp modules and I called it a day. Not my kind of end of the day repair material.739CD269-5710-40F0-A1C1-A12DA47C592E.jpeg
The black box is a DC-DC converter that turns +24v into +48v. I have seen them fail before in BAE PSUs. Make sure the +24v rail is putting out the correct voltage. They usually used Power One linear supplies which are quite reliable, but caps can go bad over time, diodes and regulators can fail, etc. Check for DC *and* AC voltages.
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