Been signed on the sick for a month !!

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Kid Squid

Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Port Toilet, South Wales
Hi Lads,

I was in work covering a shift on Monday, Had a little accident regarding a Transit van, a Blowout and a Conveyor Stanchion !!!!!!

needless to say, been signed on the sick for a month !!!!

It looks like i've fucked the cartilage in my left knee, and got some pretty bad whiplash - So a month of DIY i hear you say !

What a hope ! :twisted:

Previous to my accident, i'd started ripping apart my kitchen and downstairs shower room, uncovering all sorts of nasties ( rotten lintels, rotton joists etc, etc

so i'm in a bit of a quandry ! to say the least.

options are :-

Finish off me LA-2a ( trying to sort out a T4B and A-24), Altec mic pre , and SSl Buss comp,


Mess myself up a little more trying to sort out my Kitchen and stuff.


Thats enough of That,- Feet up for today !!!

Best Regards

Steve :thumb:
I injured my back at work two years ago. I think the injury was permanent, because it still plagues me to this day. They only gave me five days of "light duty" (no lifting allowed). Another guy bonked his head on a cannon and knocked himself out briefly. They offered him forty days with pay--and he turned them down and returned to work as usual! I just about kicked his ass for that! :wink:
I had a 3/4 inch piece of my collar bone hacked out after a Kayak accident.
Mumford procedure. They wanted to keep me overnight (big bucks) in the hospital. I put on my bathrobe and snuck out and hailed a cab! he didn't care what I was wearing as long as I didn't rob him.
Went to work the next day, heavily sedated of course, but they didn't notice, I'm always like that!
Kid Sq:

Get well soon! I have had some lower back muscle injuries (same thing over 3 times). That is NO fun at all. You don't realize how much you use your lower back for everything you do until you have a pulled muscle there. Going to the bathroom was never so painful!

Forget the house and get healed!! Your health is nothing to toy with, my friend!

Altec mic pre
1566? I am (have been) working on a dual channel version of this for some time. I have all the parts including 4722 and 15095 trafos, even. Gotta finish!

Walking vigorously on a regular basis really seems to make my back work and feel better. You might try a brisk 15 min or half-hour walk to start and see if it helps. If so, then bump up to an hour, maybe 3 times a week. I hope this would help you...back pain is miserable!!

I thrashed my lower back about four months ago - herniated disk, L4-L5, with likely left L5 nerve root compromise is what the CAT scan said. I've been careful not to do any physically demanding stuff for that time plus some stretches and exercises my physiotherapist gives and I've been feeling ok for a month but still not doing any lifting. I have a desk job so for about a week I was lying on the floor with a computer monitor and keyboard moved down for me and I was able to do half days for a week, then full days for a week, then I could sit down more-or-less ok.

Take it easy, let it heal, get some advice from a physiotherapist and/or doctor. Don't wreck things any more.
Thanks for the good vibes Lads :thumb: :guinness: :thumb:

I'm going up the wall stuck in the house already :evil:

Good tides and stuff !,


i got me missus looking after me for a couple of days ( her days off )
she's a nurse BTW.

last night got all nursed up including some good lovin' in a 'modified ' nurses uniform :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

ahhhhh.......... feel better already :thumb:
and of course you can't do any doctor type work (doctors orders)
lay back and enjoy it my friend

BTW - the phrase "can you just move your bobbing head to the side so I can watch Trisha" - will probably involve some violence being perpetrated against you