beginner help with parts for G7

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2004

I want to build the G7 microphone but I´m not quite sure about the parts for the mic pcb. I saw there was an earlier thread about this topic, but I´m not sure I got it right.

The schematic shows a 1u/160V cap, a 220u/25V cap and a 2.2u/160V cap. But on the parts list I see 2 x 2.2u/160V, 1 x 1u/63V and no 220u/25V ?
So what would I need?
And instead of the 1K6 resistor could I use a 1K5?

thank you for any help,
Hi Reggie,

If you read the instructions on Jakob's website carefully, you will see that some components were optional. I believe the 220uF cap is one of those. Also, one of those 2.2uF caps is referred to in some places as a 1uF - it can be either, the value is not critical, depending on whether it will physically fit.

Hope that helps,
Hi Seth,

thanks a lot for your help!
Somehow I couldn´t find the info on the website, but I will do it now as you describe.
My only experience so far is having built a couple of guitar fx pedals, but I don´t really know so much about electronics yet.

(Hi Seth! :razz:)


The resistor is probably best as described - 1k6. 100ohms is quite a big % change in this case so go with that is recommended.

I'm looking at the schematic and pdf. The cathode bypass cap is 100uF/35V on the schem, and 220uF on the pdf. Either will work just fine. There is a 1uF/63V non-polarised cap on the schematic: if you buy good a quality electrolytic (audio grade) then you won't need this - just omit it.


for some comments on the capacitor orientation.

For the 250V 2u2 polys - just buy a pack of 5 and then you'll have enough for 2 mics (and one left over), and you can use them in place of the 250V 1uF's too.

hi zebra50,

thanks for all the info!
I think now I´m ready to order all those parts :))
