I'm doing Jim WIlliams upgrade on my Tascam 38 reel2reel and in it he suggest changing out the bias cap to "A 220 pf/1000V Wima FKP-2 does the bias trick for +9"...in the schematic I am assuming it is C104 which is currently a 270pf (those old green flat turtle looking ceramics)...
My question is, will a slightly lower farad cap but much newer Wima make that much difference in boosting the bias to get that extra +9 and if so, how does it do it...is it a matter of a faster recovery time (the Wima is 1000v so really what time is it?)?
Or I am reading the schematic wrong and not understanding what Jim has suggested?
By the way the primary mod that I am doing is replacing the JRC7002 (U101) with LME49720/changing C102 from a 100uf/10 to a 470uf/25 taking out the input tranx and jumping 1-3 changing out resistor R115 from 2.2k to a 91 Ohm (input leg 2 of opamp )...besides going through the psu and upgrading caps...I am also considering adding a direct wire ground to each card to star instead of simply using the ribbon cables cascaded to ground for each card to cut some cross-talk...
Oh yes I also added two .1uf/100v off leg 4/8 of opamp power rails to prevent oscillation...
My question is, will a slightly lower farad cap but much newer Wima make that much difference in boosting the bias to get that extra +9 and if so, how does it do it...is it a matter of a faster recovery time (the Wima is 1000v so really what time is it?)?
Or I am reading the schematic wrong and not understanding what Jim has suggested?
By the way the primary mod that I am doing is replacing the JRC7002 (U101) with LME49720/changing C102 from a 100uf/10 to a 470uf/25 taking out the input tranx and jumping 1-3 changing out resistor R115 from 2.2k to a 91 Ohm (input leg 2 of opamp )...besides going through the psu and upgrading caps...I am also considering adding a direct wire ground to each card to star instead of simply using the ribbon cables cascaded to ground for each card to cut some cross-talk...
Oh yes I also added two .1uf/100v off leg 4/8 of opamp power rails to prevent oscillation...