biasing 1176 into class A

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2005
Apologize for my ignorance. I'd like to change the given line amp into class A darlington output in oder to be capable to drive heavier loads...also would like to speed it up, it is on a slow side a bit as it is now...
I like the way the compressor (sidechain) acts though...

any ideas welcome

bigbloak does come to mind but only as the output transistor type. it is a great op amp, but i'm not sure i like its V bias-ing (4diode string). if i go into this i'll do adjustable V bias for it. i've stated that already under 3. :wink:
around 75-100ohms with as little imd and thd as possible and yes i mean higher slew-rate (higher speed), or maybe i should look into VAS current-sourcing in order to improve that... distortion quiet quickly builds up
if adding the output gain and it is multiplies of 3rd harmonic which makes it quiet ugly...
For such low loads you'd probably want somewhat lower emitter resistors if full output swing is needed.

I doubt that there is any easy way to improve distortion considerably; the basic topology with a single-ended input is just not very well-suited for that. I'd add a dedicated driver, seems to be simpler...

What about something very simple:

replacing the diodes with a red 5mm LED, bypassed by a 1uF ~ish cap ?

(if you want to go fancy, use the BLUE one :cool: )