Hello everyone 
unfortenatly I know very little about electronics, so any help is appreciated
I have a Neumann USM69 microphone, which does not work - at first, only one of the capsules (or sides) was working and now, nothing works, it just has a continous noise on both channels and if I shift patterns is has a loud noise. At one point I took the top part, which has the capsules, off and it was the same noise (don´t know if I shoulden´t have done that?) I hope it just a question of some resistors, capacitors and not the capsules themselves (as I expect that would be very expensive) - I have no illusion that i can troubleshoot this my self but maybe someone in here has had experience with this ? maybe someone in here has a schematics for the USM69 ? then I would at least be able to take it to someone that REALLY knows how to fix this. Any help is GREATLY appreciated and I apologize for my ignorance
unfortenatly I know very little about electronics, so any help is appreciated