CADAC E-Type sidecar info

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Dec 20, 2012
Hey everyone.

I have a client who needs a power supply for a CADAC sidecar mixer, and it looks like I'm going to have to build him one, since the CADAC people want to charge £2040 for one (!). Since they've already quoted him this price they haven't exactly been forthcoming with information that I've requested from them.

WHAT I KNOW: The unit is designated as an SM-2, and apparently it's designed to use their E-Type modules, but I haven't been able to find any schematics online, or power usage specifications, or whatever. I know the modules need +24v, +18v, -18v, and +48v. It has a six-pin connector that I'm not particularly familiar with, but I have been able to gather is known as a 6-pin military circular bayonet connector. It's outside diameter is an inch and it's 1/2" deep. I've attached a few pics of it.

WHAT I DON'T KNOW: How much wattage is required by each module, what the pinout is for the power inlet, and what is a good source for the connector. Or how to circumvent a company's practice of stonewalling information seekers in order to charge ridiculously exorbitant prices for an eight-channel power supply.

Any information you guys have would be extremely helpful.



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