hey all , i have Behringer Ecm8000 and i change the capsule to the WM-61A. i found 2 calibration files here on the forum but im afraid its not with the right values. can someone tell me if its correct , or can share with us here the correct file ?
Well, if you already had a calibration file for a stock ECM8000... Why replace the capsule?
Or what was your goal, anyway?
Either way, "even" stock ECM8000's seem to have quite some variation (wide tolerances), so whatever calibration files you find online... best case, might help; worst case, might skew the response into a bit of a clusterf**k
Thanks Khron!
I replaced the capsule because the original capsule was damaged and I must to repair , and after some research over the net I found that most people replace with the wm61a, so I want to be sure that my measure is correct =]