I found this in-line transformer in a job lot of microphones I bought from Germany.
I am guessing it may be a low to high impedance converter, but I'm not sure.
It is made by "Labor W" who were the original Sennheiser company before they became "Sennheiser".
The connector is Gross (Large) Tuchel which made me think it might be decent quality.
It says on the barrel: Labor W, 75 50 1:20 / 200
I don't have a signal generator to test the ratio.
Any info would be handy, or any suggestions for what I could do with it (throw it in the bin?).
I found this in-line transformer in a job lot of microphones I bought from Germany.
I am guessing it may be a low to high impedance converter, but I'm not sure.
It is made by "Labor W" who were the original Sennheiser company before they became "Sennheiser".
The connector is Gross (Large) Tuchel which made me think it might be decent quality.
It says on the barrel: Labor W, 75 50 1:20 / 200
I don't have a signal generator to test the ratio.
Any info would be handy, or any suggestions for what I could do with it (throw it in the bin?).