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I have a strange symptom here. I'm building an 8 channel 312 (API) The power supply I using, a JLM power station, has 5 regulators for +/-V1 +/-V2 and 48V. I can adjust these DC voltages fine at the power supply output, however, once I'm checking voltages after the CR1&2 1N4004 diodes on the 312 boards, it's always just a steady +16.5VDC/-17VDC. This gets me wanting to adjust the voltages at the power supply so it's +/-16VDC exactly, so I turn and turn the trimmers and nothing happens when I measure after the local diodes on the 312 cards. The voltage just stays the same. Then I recheck before the diodes and it's down at 12VDC or something. I tried replacing one of the diodes, but same issue. What is going on here?
I don't have any opamps in the cards, but they're complete otherwise. So it doesn't seem to be pulling current. Does this sound like I maybe tweaked the JLM power supply trimmers too much and took out a few regulators? It's just weird that I can dial in voltages fine before the card, but it stays the same after CR1 and 2, which is where it enters the opamp.
Another thing I noticed is that when I connect the ground of either of my 4 channel 312 boards to 0V at the power supply, I no longer get the 10 ohm resistance between chassis and star ground, which is a feature of the JLM supply. Once I disconnect the 312 boards, then I get 10 ohms again between chassis and star ground. Is this normal, or does it suggest a short somewhere? Both boards behave the same though. Hmm
I don't have any opamps in the cards, but they're complete otherwise. So it doesn't seem to be pulling current. Does this sound like I maybe tweaked the JLM power supply trimmers too much and took out a few regulators? It's just weird that I can dial in voltages fine before the card, but it stays the same after CR1 and 2, which is where it enters the opamp.
Another thing I noticed is that when I connect the ground of either of my 4 channel 312 boards to 0V at the power supply, I no longer get the 10 ohm resistance between chassis and star ground, which is a feature of the JLM supply. Once I disconnect the 312 boards, then I get 10 ohms again between chassis and star ground. Is this normal, or does it suggest a short somewhere? Both boards behave the same though. Hmm