Can't sleep.

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Atlanta GA USA
I'm sick and I've been alternating between being deathly lethargic to being wide awake at random times during the last 4 days.  Right now I can barely type but I'm so incredibly wide awake that I'm not sure when I'll fall asleep.

Usually Benadryl puts me right to sleep but not when I'm sick.  It seems to lessen the inflammation in the airways but doesn't put me out like it would normally.  I can't take Nyquil because of the DXM in it which I am allergic to, besides nobody should take that shit anyway since it happens to be neurotoxic.  Codeine is actually safer but that would be hypocritical right?  Hey I have an idea, lets take a fairly safe opiate(you can't OD on codeine) and exchange it with a neurotoxic chemical simply because we want to say that ALL opiates are bad for you, including the ones that aren't really addictive or hurtful.

I thought I was getting better today but the fever came back for a couple hours and then disappeared again.

The guys at work are kinda worked up since I have been out sick since wednesday and we have an important project due.  My partner on the project, the principle engineer and a consultant tried to fill in but they just don't have the feel for my tuner that I do.  ;)

But to that, the principle engineer sent me an email that stated that I should be into work extremely early on monday and be ready to "hit it hard" to try to finish yet he was one of the people freaking out about the Swine Flu and how anybody who is sick should stay out until they are 100% again.

At the rate I'm going I might be 65% on monday.

As for the sickness, it's definately an Influenza of some kind.  I haven't been this sick in about 8 years when the Flu completely incapacitated me for 6 days.  I think that was the sickest I have ever been.  This isn't nearly that bad but it's worse than the colds I normally get yearly.  I think the absolute worst part about it is the combination of lethargy and dizziness.

I woke up the other night to find myself soaking wet with sweat AND freezing my ass off at the same time.  I attempted to get up so I could take more meds and take my temperature.  As I swung my legs over the cat onto the edge of the bed an incredible spinning world of dizziness swept over me.  It took me a few minutes to get myself ready to stand but only a second for my knees to get all wobbly with weakness.  I bounced between walls going down the hallway, got my meds and then took my temp.  102F.

Back to bed with the AC blasting.

I must have done this 5 or 6 times during the night before waking to call in sick.  I then did the same another 5 or 6 times during the following day as I attempted to sleep it off.

I moved myself and my pillows to the living room and proceeded to watch really bad FEARnet movies and pass in and out of sleep the rest of the day only getting up to evacuate my bowels, take meds and eat soup.

I was feeling better late on friday but I relapsed today with a fever breaking out again this evening.  I took more meds and turned up the AC.  The fever went away but I'm now wide awake and not in a good way.

I'm also bored.

I woke up the other night to find myself soaking wet with sweat
I think it's a good thing. I often found myself recover from ill states by sweating a lot, I also take vitamin C from fruits like oranges and lemons
Hi Svart

I've been kind of having the same thing. Fever on and off, broncitus, lethargy. Same sleep issues too.

A few days ago I went to bed very the afternoon, because I felt bad. I got up at dusk, thought it was morning, and made a pot of coffee!!!

I think it might be a reaction to the massive amount of oak pollen in our area. It's just about done though.

L M Watts Technology
feeling for you,.... I cant stand being actually sick. staying home from work feeling crappy is one thing. SICK, totally sucks. all you want to do is lie down and the second you do, you feel worse. nyquil puts me right out. didnt know it was so toxic. I do love the sleep though.
Can we assume you've consulted a DR? If it's the nasty flu going around they will want to know, and it is supposedly responsive to tamiflu and maybe one other antiviral.

Normally I would say just sweat it out, but young adults are susceptible to a cytokine storm from H1n1.. effectively an autoimmune over reaction.

The autoimmune inflammation can be mitigated by simple nicotine.. if a non-smoker consider a patch.

Try not to die... I know young adults think they are immortal. I was one once.


I'm feeling a bit better since sunday.  I'm still tired/sniffling/coughing/ and have raw sinuses but the fever has gone away and I'm no longer dizzy.

I'm back at work but I have to catch up for 3 days of being out which is draining me. 
I'm back!

I was sick, got a bit better then the sick came back with a vengeance! 

I've not been this sick in a long time.  Nobody else at work got sick nor did any of my friends.  It's strange.

anyway, I finally feel fairly good again although I still feel a bit tired.

Nice to see you here again!
Sickness is often stupid random thingy, dont forget it and take care of yourself  :)
keefaz said:
I often found myself recover from ill states by sweating a lot...

I misread your post, and had to blink twice, shake my head vigorously and read it again...

-I read it as "I often found myself recover from ill states by swearing a lot".

...The image in my head of an agitated Frenchman with 'tourette syndrome' was priceless!

"Eh ben, je m'en fou!!!"

SSLtech said:
-I read it as "I often found myself recover from ill states by swearing a lot".
...The image in my head of an agitated Frenchman with 'tourette syndrome' was priceless!
I swear only when I am fine! I am very polite when I am sick, I treat my illness with respect and love. I almost feel sad when she goes away  :'(