They are .022 MFD, as in MicroFarad or sometimes written uF (where the u is supposed to be the Greek letter μ). Copy this whole URL since the forum software breaks the link at the open paren:
Equal to 22 NanoFarads nF, or 22,000 PicoFarads pF.
These are relatively low value caps, which can be used without detriment to bandwidth thanks to the high output impedance of the 6CG7s plate. In general small triodes have high plate impedance, which (in shunt fed arrangements) is in parallel with a high value plate resistor, commonly 100k ohms and up.
In this circuit the 6CG7's plates are driving the 6AL5's cathodes, and those 220k resistors going to the P3 balance potentiometer. So the 6CG7 plate is working into a nice higher impedance, thus the filter formed by the DC blocking caps and the impedances does not require a large capacitor for good low end response. This is unlike low impedance output stages (cathode followers in tubeworld and emitter followers in sandstate), which typically require large value blocking capacitors.