CAPI-Gear; CA-0252 (2520 Type), CA202 Opamp Kits and DIY Parts Galore!!!

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All pending/open orders are boxed, labeled and will be dropped at the PO in the morning.

Thanks guys!  :)

Regards, Jeff
Hi everyone,

I posted this on my site earlier today and I thought I would put a link here as well. It's a link to a review of my VP26 that was published in the latest TapeOp.

Many thank to Garrett Haines for the kind review and many thanks to everyone here for your past, present and future support!

Regards, Jeff
Hi everybody,

The much reworked VP312 is getting close. I have started a new thread in the Lab with all the gory Rev B details. It can be found here.

Also, 100 of the new style VP25 faceplates are at the metal shop now. Screen printing is done and they are awaiting their lacquer clear coat.

Another 100pc of VP26 faceplates are in the same spot as above.

I have just received another 51pc of EA2622 that will be added to the store stock tomorrow.

I also received another 65 t-pads on Friday. They will also make it into the store stock tomorrow.

Full batches of 2503's, 2623-1's and 2623-4's are on order.

Good golly that was a mouthful of parts!  ;D

Best regards, Jeff
Hey Jeff, this is Rob, the gentleman who e-mailed you recently about the di mod on the standard 312
offering.   Hope I didn't offend you about the t-pad attenuators and all that noise.    I'm a bit poorly,
so sometimes my communication skills come off as a bit daft and convoluted.    

Anyway, I caught the updates on the thread in the lab, maybe a couple days ago.
Looks like you've done all the work for me... and then some!  The prototype boards look great! :)

No interest in rushing you, however, do you have a good gauge of when final boards will
be available for purchase?   Thanks!
Hey Rob,

No offense taken on the t-pad thing. I was just a little surprised to hear that someone didn't like it. Like I said, you are the first, that I know of anyhow.  :)

I have the Rev B DI about 98% built up. I am waiting on a few components which should be here on Tuesday or Wednesday. If the boards check out the rest of the way and I find no issues, they will be about 2 to 2.5 weeks out. That is for the mic pre PCB's and the 2 small DI daughter boards. The relay boards have already been tested and work as I expected them to.

I have to talk to Volker about the Plug-In DI boards. I know his original plan was to make all 5 or 6 boards in a snap apart array. This will be called the "HiZ Plug-In Bundle"! :D :eek: 8) As of right now, they have not all been built and tested. Only some of them.

The cool thing about the new DI pre is that it can be used in Bo DI mode which does not use or need the Plug-In HiZ board. The Plug-In HiZ boards can be added afterward at any time, or not!

I plan to finish the proto metal tomorrow. The production run metal will not be ordered until I am 100% positive that this configuration of the pre is the final one. Once I order the metal, it will be about 3 weeks out and then about 2 weeks to get the printing and clear done.

So, talking out load, if all goes well, around 6 weeks until the main parts will all be in stock.

I do have a huge order of DOA sockets arriving Tuesday.

Also, VP25 and more VP26 PCB's will be here tomorrow!

Cheers, Jeff
A parts/stock update...

VP25 PCB's are back in stock. Looky here

More VP26 PCB's came in as well so I am nicely stocked on those for while. A look-see here

Mill-Max sockets should be here tomorrow morning. All preamp kits will be available then. I don't like showing the stock at the store if I don't actually have it in front of me. It's sometimes hard enough keeping up with orders when I have all the stuff here! I hate back-orders. ;)

Regards, Jeff
A quick update...DOA sockets are back in stock which means that all of the preamp kits are available!  ;)
Just ordered (4) of the VP25's on Jeff's recommendation for the BIG BIG aggressive metal drum sound!!! I cannot wait to get these and build them and use them and love them and make more and feel awesome and be happy and................... sorry ranting!!!

Love and metal Curran
Hi Jeff,

The website currently shows "Quantity 6" for the VP26 Kit.
How quickly do you think new kits will be available?

Also, please read your PM and reply as soon as you can.


jsteiger said:
A parts/stock update...

VP25 PCB's are back in stock. Looky here

More VP26 PCB's came in as well so I am nicely stocked on those for while. A look-see here

Mill-Max sockets should be here tomorrow morning. All preamp kits will be available then. I don't like showing the stock at the store if I don't actually have it in front of me. It's sometimes hard enough keeping up with orders when I have all the stuff here! I hate back-orders. ;)

Regards, Jeff
You have some pretty tight build documentation! Pity I already have some API gear, otherwise I would have given your models a go.
CDSoundMaster said:
Hi Jeff,

The website currently shows "Quantity 6" for the VP26 Kit.
How quickly do you think new kits will be available?

Also, please read your PM and reply as soon as you can.

I am low on t-pads right now. It is down to 2pc in stock as of this morning. I have more shipping to me which should be here by the end of this week. The qty of kits available is determined by the part in the kit with the lowest qty.

All of the pieces and parts can be purchased individually. I have the pages set up so that you can basically go down a "list" of everything that is needed for a particular preamp kit. This should give you what you are after.

I really am not sure about the Carnhill transformers. You will have to check those out and see.

canidoit said:
You have some pretty tight build documentation! Pity I already have some API gear, otherwise I would have given your models a go.
Thanks. There is never a time when you say "enough is enough". :D

Cheers, Jeff
Hey guys,

I just received another batch of t-pads so all mic preamp kits show as in stock.

I also order a few hundred of the blank (no holes) L-brackets yesterday for 500/51x DIY and prototyping. Volker and I are splitting these so we will both have them on hand. These should be to me in about 3 weeks.

This morning, I placed an order for a few hundred of the VP312DI aluminum faceplates. I am doing the back milling (for the 3 sub mini switches) in house (on a CNC router) to save a few bucks as I thought my metal shop's price was a little too much for something so simple. These should also be to me in about 3 weeks. I will also offer these "raw" for a DIY finish.

I will order the VP312DI L-brackets in about a week or so since the faceplates take longer with the milling, printing and clear coat lacquer.

Cheers, Jeff  ;)
Look at all the Potential TONE!!!!! when it is done it will be Kinetic!!!!


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If I send you the specific specs on the transformers, can you tell me if they would work with your kit?


jsteiger said:
CDSoundMaster said:
Hi Jeff,

The website currently shows "Quantity 6" for the VP26 Kit.
How quickly do you think new kits will be available?

Also, please read your PM and reply as soon as you can.

I am low on t-pads right now. It is down to 2pc in stock as of this morning. I have more shipping to me which should be here by the end of this week. The qty of kits available is determined by the part in the kit with the lowest qty.

All of the pieces and parts can be purchased individually. I have the pages set up so that you can basically go down a "list" of everything that is needed for a particular preamp kit. This should give you what you are after.

I really am not sure about the Carnhill transformers. You will have to check those out and see.

canidoit said:
You have some pretty tight build documentation! Pity I already have some API gear, otherwise I would have given your models a go.
Thanks. There is never a time when you say "enough is enough". :D

Cheers, Jeff
just finished the last of four VP25's!!!!  I had guitar clinic and summer metal festivals to play this weekend so I was not able to get everything done until today. sunburned and tired but all four pre's are finished and sound wonderful. I put them up against my OSA mutants, and my five fish pre's and i am very happy. Jeff asked that I post some audio clips for people to compare and  I would likt too know what you would want to hear? drums,  guitar, or vox. let me know anyway I am ecstatic with what is going on woth these Vp's they sound wonderful and I want to get two of the 312's to have another flavor
Curran said:
...Jeff asked that I post some audio clips for people to compare...
I did? Well, not exactly but, if you are offering, I myself am curious how the VP25 compares to the OSA pre you were talking about.

Post whatever you want. Kick would be nice as before you mentioned how killer the OSA was on a kick drum.
yeah I will drop some kick sound up on here. AND yes you said you would like to hear some compare and contrast between everyones gear to swee where your AWESOME pre's stack up sound wise. I think they are amazing!!!
I received a packaged from Gary yesterday so, I'm nicely stocked up on gar2520 parts and PCB's again.

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