CAPI-Gear; CA-0252 (2520 Type), CA202 Opamp Kits and DIY Parts Galore!!!

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I' m sorry! Didn' t mean to put any further stress on you. I know you got a lot going on right now.
And I' m happily excited about all your new stuff.

Kind regards
Dr Gris said:
I' m sorry! Didn' t mean to put any further stress on you. I know you got a lot going on right now.
And I' m happily excited about all your new stuff.

Kind regards
Hey no worries man! I am excited too. Sometimes I wish I had help but mostly I like to do everything myself. That way, if something is missing in a package or whatever, I can only yell at myself.  ;D
Jeff, I have an idea for a new clone.  Clone yourself, not sure if you should do any mods or go strictly original!  You should probably ask your wife. I her she is a expert in all things Jeff.

We would all love another one of you out there making awesome stuff. 
Hi Jeff,
Nice work on the new EQ!

I'm curious to know when you can offer the 812d discrete monitor channel? Just bought a 24track and the monitor section is missing in my 2488. Sure could use the tape returns now.

hey jeff, i don't know if there even is high enough demand for it but will there be a stepped t-pad upgrade kit for the VP26/312 pres?
useme2305 said:
hey jeff, i don't know if there even is high enough demand for it but will there be a stepped t-pad upgrade kit for the VP26/312 pres?
To be honest, IIRC, you are the first person to mention it. I had thought about it some time ago. I think I may have even sketched out the circuit. I didn't like the space it would take up and could only do it with an adapter board. I decided to shelf the idea for other reasons I don't remember right now. So, long answer is there probably won't be one.
WTF..... :eek: :eek: :eek: ;)


Stay tuned !! :)

ej_whyte said:
Are you due more stock of the plugin relay modules any time soon Jeff?

I have 12 of the PCB's left on hand right now. I changed the PCB layout a tad to accommodate a kinked lead transistor. I order a small qty to test before ordering stock. The proto's are suppose to be dispatched tomorrow so I should have them before the end of the week. A quick test and then I will order stock. I would estimate 2 more weeks before I have a larger qty in hand.
gar381 said:
WTF..... :eek: :eek: :eek: ;)


Stay tuned !! :)


Oh my..... That's gonna' be trouble. I think I know what that is. I see a 2N2484, a 2N2219 and a 2N2905A. And the 6220 is kind of a dead give-away. I'm gonna' want me a few of those. Nice work Gary. DANA.
Tubemooley said:
gar381 said:
WTF..... :eek: :eek: :eek: ;)


Stay tuned !! :)


Oh my..... That's gonna' be trouble. I think I know what that is. I see a 2N2484, a 2N2219 and a 2N2905A. And the 6220 is kind of a dead give-away. I'm gonna' want me a few of those. Nice work Gary. DANA.

Thanks Dana :)  I bet your right !! ;D ;D

Jeff has a pair of protos and is running these guys thru their paces. ;)

Now SSSSHHHHHHHH for the moment ;) ;)



Search for "SPA-62". The "20" at the end is to represent that Gary has reformatted the original version for a typical 2520 footprint. Some (or all?) of the originals where not a separate PCB but just the opamp circuit down on the main PCB with all the other components.
jsteiger said:

Search for "SPA-62". The "20" at the end is to represent that Gary has reformatted the original version for a typical 2520 footprint. Some (or all?) of the originals where not a separate PCB but just the opamp circuit down on the main PCB with all the other components.

Nice! Is there a pre-order list i can get on?  ;)
Not speaking for Jeff but from my end... 

At this point there are only a handfulof  protos that have been built
and are under testing at the moment but so far so good.  :) :) :)

I'm not shure if kits will be offered as of yet.
At this point it looks like only assembled units made from NOS
transistors on a limited run bases will be offered and I am a month or two out
on production quanties at this time. 

Classicapi will be the sole distributor...  STAY TUNED !! :) :)

BTW... the gar6220 is a  +/- 24 volt  ONLY DOA.
          These guys will not run on  +/- 16 volt

Hey Gary,

I hope you heavily consider offering these in kit form.  Your 2520 and 1731 kits are the mainstay opamps I lean on and are one of the only economical options on the market right now.  A monumental asset to the DIY community.  I hope these 24V units spur on 51X standard kit development across the board!

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