CAPI-Gear; CA-0252 (2520 Type), CA202 Opamp Kits and DIY Parts Galore!!!

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ChuckD said:
The Opamp I used is a DIY Forsell JFET type using Linear Systems LSK170 jfets.

ChuckD - Any details you feel like providing about your DIY JFET opamp would be greatly appreciated. I really, really like the JFET's on the input for the clarity and detail they give. But JFET's on the output usually don't like to drive a transformer output. Maybe this needs to move to the Lab instead of the White Market. Thanks, DANA.
They're back in stock!  :p I just got the second batch of EA2622's in from Ed. I have updated the stock on the website.

Cheers, Jeff
SOON !!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) We are still on target for sometime the first week in June

For PCBs... Keep checking this thread and/or




Tubemooley said:
Oh mama...... Rooking good. 121 up per panel. Nice. DW.
So, how many panels are ya in for Dana? :) A few dozen?

As far as the gar2520's, Gary and I have yet to nail down the final pricing but here is some preliminary info. These will probably change slightly one way or the other.

Raw boards only, will start in the neighborhood of $2.75-$3.00 at a 1pc qty. We will have quantity price breaks set up in 10pc increments, like most things on my site. So, they will go down from there.

Full parts kits will top out in the area of $17.50 to $18.00 for a 1pc qty. We will have price breaks in 10pc increments for these as well. All components needed to complete a DOA like Mill-Max pins and matched transistors will be included.

FYI, we will not be offering the gar2520 in a fully assembled version...only raw boards and kit form.

Cheers, Jeff
Hello gentlemen,

I have a few things to update you on.

If you visit my website, you will find some new listings in the discrete opamp category.

I have added listings for Scott Liebers' unique DOA's. I show both his SL-2510 and SL-2520's there. I have a special set up with Scott on his DOA's. I do not sell them on an individual basis. They can he had directly from Scott like that. I do however have them available as an "add-on option" to all of my mic pre kits. You will find a rather cool little area at the bottom of each pre bundle page where you can choose to add a red dot or blue dot SL-2520 to the kit. I also have them as options in 4-pc groups to be added to one of the ACA's if you so choose. These are there for those who don't wanna build 'em.

Speaking of build them, you will find listings for the gar2520 boards and kits too. I have everything set up so that a gar2520 kit will show as an "add-on option" to all of the above mentioned items as well. As soon as Gary and I get our stuff completed, those will be activated.

Gary has just completed his step by step, detailed PDF assembly manual for his DOA's. He has a recommended stuffing order with nice detailed pics as well as close up board scans with important notes and of course, a BOM showing Mouser or Digi-key part numbers. I will email the zip to you after a PCB or full kit purchase. We will also be starting an official build support thread in the Lab when we release these. Gary has stuffed 5 or 6 of the 2nd version of these guys and had them burning in since last Friday. So far, so good!  ;D  We sure as heck don't want the neighborhood dogs to piss themselves when you fire one up! Raw boards should be available as of this coming weekend. Full kits will follow about a week behind that.

Stay tuned... ;)

It's not the etch I'm worried about. Rough guess here..... That looks like a 12" x 12" panel, two layers top and bottom only. Send me the Gerbers. One panel will be $400. Two will be $420. Ten panels will be $500. It's all in the set-up charges. What I really need is a Pinch Weasel to assemble my DOA's. Ya' got any leads on a Pinch Weasel for me? DW.
Hey yall,

I have just received a small batch of raw face-plates for the pre kits. The store quantity has been updated. I would enjoy seeing how you guys have finished some of these guys.

Boards are in the mail from Gary on the gar2520.  :eek:  I should have them in hand tomorrow :)

Cheers, Jeff

*Project gar2520 DOA Price Release*

We have it all put together gentlemen. This is how it goes down.  8)

Raw PCB's only:
  • Full PDF doc's zip is included with a board purchase.
  • Qty of 1 thru 9: $2.85 each
  • Qty of 10 thru 24: $2.71 each
  • Qty of 25 thru 49: $2.50 each
  • Qty of 50 thru infinity: $2.30 each

Full and complete DOA kit as follows:
  • Full PDF doc's zip is included.
  • 1 DOA PCB.
  • 100% of all components needed to complete this quality build. (Full details will be on my site)
  • Qty of 1 thru 9: $17.50 each
  • Qty of 10 thru 19: $16.25 each
  • Qty of 20 thru infinity: $15.00 each

Everything is being purchased in very large quantities. That is how we are able to keep the pricing so low. As it should be.
Cheers, Jeff  :)
Echo North said:

Awesome work on the pricing guys.

Thanks Mike.  ;)

You of all people know how it's done. Quantity, quantity and more quantity.

Hi Jeff

Tried to open an account on your site but got several error messages on a page after pressing "Continue".  Then when I had another go it said my email address was already there but when I try to login I get this cookies message and can't go any further.  Cookies I believe are set correctly at medium.

I even repeated the process with a different browser with cookies enabled and a different email address and the same thing happens.

I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but can you help us out here.

pryoga said:
Hi Jeff

Tried to open an account on your site but got several error messages on a page after pressing "Continue".  Then when I had another go it said my email address was already there but when I try to login I get this cookies message and can't go any further.  Cookies I believe are set correctly at medium.

I even repeated the process with a different browser with cookies enabled and a different email address and the same thing happens.

I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but can you help us out here.

Hey Gary,

I see both of your accounts set up in the database. From this end, everything looks right. There is nothing missing or incomplete.

I will send you and email to see if we can get this resolved.

Cheers, Jeff
Check this out boys. I went to the mail box today and found a little surprise. Mr. Gary was kind enough to send me a sampler pack for a test run.  :eek:

So I opened the parcel and I found this:

Hmm. "Ooh" I says, and proceeded to open up the treat bag:

Low and behold, the cutest darned little part bags I ever did see!  :D

I took another step and opened up one of Gary's kits in a nifty anti-stag bag. And all of this stuff came out:


Well, got to go. Time to fire up the iron and get one of these puppies put together!

Gary, you rock and rock hard my friend!  ;D  ;)

Later, Jeff
Guys, I have just updated the gar2520 PCB stock to 52pc on my site.

I should be receiving 40 kits by this weeks end. I assume these will go pretty quickly. I believe Gary will be ordering more boards soon if he hasn't already.

Cheers, Jeff :)