We want to keep the front electrode of the capsule at ground potential - 0V - at all times, both to act as a shield for incoming electrical disturbance and to avoid electrostatically attracting too much dust from the environment. So to keep a voltage charge across the capsule, we bias the center electrode by the means of two 470K resistors dividing our 160V supply voltage in half - resulting in +80V.
Now we have -80 volts at the front electrode, referred to the center electrode. If we now bias the back electrode with the same (-80V ref. Center = 0V polarization voltage), a positive sound pressure on the back capsule will have the same voltage-potential effect on the center as when applied on the front capsule. This sensitivity pattern is then OMNI directional.
If we polarize the back electrode at +80 Volts, no voltage difference will exist between this and the center electrode, already offset at +80V. This in effect mutes the back capsule, resulting in the CARDIOD directionality.
At last, if we polarize the back capsule at +160 Volts, we'll have a charge of +80 Volts relative to the center electrode. Now a positive sound pressure applied to the back electrode will produce an 180 degrees out-of-phase signal compared to the front capsule. When applying a sound pressure from the side of the microphone, so both capsules sees the same sound pressure, the signals coming from the two capsules will be in opposite phases, effectively canceling each other. This is the FIGURE-OF-EIGHT directionality.