Need help understanding a Chinese microphone circuit and troubleshooting

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A couple of other comments on the schematic as drawn -
  • The C6/C7 junction isn't really connected to VL, is it? I would expect the bass roll-off switch to be connected between this junction and point H, so it bridges across C7 when closed.
  • R8, the FET drain resistor, ought to be more than 1K. In most variants of this circuit it's 20K.
If it helps, there's a schematic for a similar FET configuration here: which has measured DC voltages. If you're seeing anything wildly different it's probably a clue.
I am getting 34V at the end of the output inductors, 3.3V at the big 4.7u coupling capacitor, and 34.3V after R3 and R4. I don't see anything resembling R8 or R18 and 0V before and after C8. Nothing too weird besides the 0V at the source, which I'm assuming is very wrong... To confirm, I can swap the drain and the source, right?
Ok.... I have pin 3 connected to the 1Gohm resistor, pin 2 at C7, and pin 1 at R9. I think that's correct but I've made this mistake before so I wanna make sure. I was measuring 23.5V before C7, 0V before R9, and 2.5V before the 1Gohm resistor.
The pinout gives a view from below, so if you can imagine looking at the flat side of the package, with the pins pointing down, it will be souce-drain-gate, left to right.

In the picture, it looks like the source is the one connected to the 1G resistor.
Yes, they can be swapped without affecting operation.

But wouldn't that mean that the Vgs(off) parameter is somehow "redundant" or meaningless? How does / can one bias a common-source stage for linear operation then?

I can understand the swappability of drain and source if the drain-source channel is in series with a signal, but otherwise.....
I am so sorry... I didn't realize this entire time all those diagrams said bottom view...

The microphone now works. When I inject 1k 0.1v AC signal into the JFET I get 0.09% but when injecting it into R1 and R2 I get 8% THD. Is this normal?

If I were to bias using a pot, would pin 1 be at the end of R8, pin 2 at the end of the 1Gohm resistor, and pin 3 at the ground? Also, what is the purpose of having the inductors and the capacitors at the output? I thought both the inductor and the capacitor would do the same thing...
when injecting it into R1 and R2 I get 8% THD. Is this normal?

Where are "R1" and "R2"? Do remember none of us here are mind-readers, and that latest hand-drawn schematic of yours is missing half the component designators...
Where are "R1" and "R2"? Do remember none of us here are mind-readers, and that latest hand-drawn schematic of yours is missing half the component designators...
Oh, sorry! R1 and R2 are the points the capsule connects to on the switch board. They labeled it a bit confusing as it sounds like a resistor.
R1 connects to the front, R2 is the rear, and E is the backplate. It seems to connect to the gate of the J305 via a capacitor (C51 for the front and C52 for the rear) on the switchboard. G is the gate.


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I am so sorry... I didn't realize this entire time all those diagrams said bottom view...

The microphone now works. When I inject 1k 0.1v AC signal into the JFET I get 0.09% but when injecting it into R1 and R2 I get 8% THD. Is this normal?
Good to hear it's now basically working.

If you are attaching a signal generator directly to the FET gate, it will control the DC bias level (to around 0V, presumably). R1 and R2 are capacitor-coupled to the gate, so the DC bias level will be determined by R12/R13 instead. So it appears the circuit is now working but the bias level is wrong.

You could quickly try putting a wire across R13 to tie the R12/R13 voltage to ground, so the gate bias is 0V. If this gets you "low" THD with the signal injected at R1 or R2, it confirms that it's just a bias issue.
Sorry for the really late follow up but thank you guys so much! I put a 1Meg pot in place of R12 and R13 and I was able to bias the mic. Got it to around 0.04% THD @ 0.3V.
Hi @skyy7 !
Glad it's working now.
I looked at the diagram, in addition to my ST77, ST79 has a DC/DC converter in addition to being multipaternal, I suspect that the polarization voltage of the capsule is higher. That should improve the SNR. As I said in a previous post, I also intended to put a voltage converter for the capsule.
Can you tell me what voltage DC/DC delivers exactly (Udcp - after the voltage multiplier with diodes, at the point where the three 51Mohm resistors are connected) ?


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