Cj?s browbeating

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May 7, 2005
Washington State USA
I know you were joking today. As I see it you and PRR are the scientific ~sounding posts. For lack of a better?.But your posts were all in the same vein recently(~ those were some great faceplates though)

Not that I think you?re actually discouraged, but you are a crazy valuable resource to diyer?s at all levels. Keep up the good work! Keep schooling us! Keep hacking transformers! And thank you?.
Just being sarcastic. A theme that was real popular in the seventies.
PRR and Brad you mean.
Me so stupid. What is my intelligent quotient?
I've always seen it this way:

PRR - Will make seemingly complicated things as simple as possible (but not any simpler) for noobs like me--more focus on getting the job done than making it fancy. For the more advanced guys, he lets it all hang out, down to the nitty gritty details.

Brad - Meticulous about details. The kind of guy that will find fault in anything if poked hard enough (I mean that in a good way :grin: ). Shares a general dislike of that Harr.... company :guinness:

CJ - Elegant in his brute force approach. The quintessential learn-by-doing kinda guy :thumb:. But "stupid," most certainly not! Modest, yes.

Keef - A generally well-rounded knowledgable guy that is patient with my incompetence. Although, his closeness with Steve is a minus :green: -Kidding :thumb:

I could go on for a while. I know I left out a few...
Thanks guys for all your time and assistance!
Guilty as charged...

I nursed at the H*rm*nic teat for a long time---oh the book I could write, and the lawsuit I could face. But if you want extreme dysfunctional, try some smaller companies to get perspective.

There are precious few well-run companies. It takes a few competent and dedicated people and a bit of magic, and about the time something get going well certain other big companies come along and acquire you. How does Jakob finish each post?
I can only confirm what Ethan said. Thank you very much all you smart guys.
And PRR is an absolute genius. Why I never had at school or university a teacher like him? Belive it or not I'm hunting all his posts at DIYaudio and Headwise because there is so much knowledge in everything he writes.
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

I've only been lurking around here about a week or so, but I wanna kiss some butts too. This is an awesome forum. I'm usually banned by now. :oops: