I just started to install the Ceiling light for my office. A huge, fairly heavy multiple ring, vaguely space styled (think mid century modern) thing.
I found the sheetrock quite rotten, so simple sheetrock anchors would not do, so I shot a bunch of construction adhesive into the ceiling. It will dry overnight.
I'll set all of the office tomorrow, after fixing the light.
From extremely hard stone cladding on bathroom walls that kept stripping my diamond drill bits and made me wish I had gotten a Bosch hydraulic Hammer drill instead of a Chinese "Bazooka" Hammer Drill, I had any annoying problem possible, renovating this place. So bear
with me.
I can answer you after the office and lab is back up. But I suspect TINA will be on a similar voltage.
To be honest, with P48 actually being 44...52V via 6k8 x 2 at 10% tolerance, the precise Voltage will be subject to quite a range, so excessive precision here is probably pointless.
Vth on BSS84 I encountered across various vendors have been pretty consistently 1.5...1.9V, with device to device matches on a reel very good. Noise is also usually on spec, meaning ~ 1.5nV|/Hz.
BSS84 is very preferred part to use for me, together with 2N7002 and STN1NK60Z for MOSFET's, which in turn I like to use a lot as active parts in discrete designs.
A "standard" circuit of mine is MMBFJ113 (J113 in SMD) or LSK170 + BSS84 and STN1NK60Z as output, matching the old 3-transistor designs with BJT's but with vastly improved performance by using modern devices.
Note, this is not for microphones or even transformerless microphone preamps, but line level.