I'm quite excited about our little SPICE comparison.
I've never used LTspice for noise before and it is showing and confirming stuff which Guru Wurcer and I played with at the beginning of this Millenium ... all in MicBuilders for those really interested and maybe his Linear Audio articles.
Let's tie down some important but non-controversial details.
You proposed 2 capsules. The first was a 34mm 'Brass' capsule of 68p capacitance and -34dBV/Pa sensitivity @ Vp = 60V
This is appropriate for the comparison between your circuit and Zephyr's. It is what Zephyr had on his capsule. I'll allow you to assume Vp = 60V though your circuit only has about 42V 
The other was an electret 26mm, 42p and -35dBV/Pa. This is good to compare your circuit with SimpleP48 & SimpleP48RCA
Are you happy with these choices of capsules you recommended?
In #319, I assume a simplified version of Fig 9 in THAT Corporation 1510/1512 Datasheet rev9 5oct2017.
You assume a slightly different 'simplified' preamp in #245
Which one should we use?
I'm happy to use yours cos it sometimes gives SimpleP48 & SimpleP48RCA a slight advantage