Sleeper said:
Sziklai pair (also known as a "complementary feedback pair" (CFP) or "compound transistor") is a configuration of two bipolar transistors, similar to a Darlington pair.[1] In contrast to the Darlington arrangement, the Sziklai pair has one NPN and one PNP transistor, and so it is sometimes also called the "complementary Darlington".
I've been looking around I'm not finding an answer. Hope someone can clue me in.
Not sure what the question really is... the schematic you posted does not have a quasi-comp darlington connection. This topology was commonly used back in the day to make a power amp output stage with only one sex of power devices. So straight darlington for zig, and quasi-complementary to zag.
In your typical 2520 op amp circuit, and it's variants, Gain Blokes, Hybrids etc. there is a BD139 and a BD140 CFP that drives the output.
in between these transistors is usually a pair of resistors, sometimes 1ohm, often 3r6 and just as often 10r
I need to substitute what I have in my box vs. whats on a schematic.
I'm 99% sure I can go up or down a few ohms and everything will still work fine, but I can't find any criteria to decide.
All the articles I found about the Sziklai pair just ignore these parts, but they must do something.
do they set the output impedence? raise the transistor bias? Keep the transistor within operating temperatures
It's usually part of the feedback loop - even if it's not on the op amp itself, it's in the op amp's circuit ???
The value of those resistors roughly determine the class A current or how much current the devices draw at idle. The outputs shift to class B for more than a few mA.
As PRR mentioned these need to be small in the context of the output load, but not too small. These are called "emitter degeneration" resistors and hopefully prevent the output stage from thermal run-away (they also promote sharing between parallel output devices). The Vbe or forward voltage drop across a transistor base to emitter will get smaller the hotter the transistor gets. Driving the two output bases with a relatively constant base-to-base voltage means that the hotter the output transistors get, the less the Vbe and more current they draw. The resistors in series with the emitters create a voltage drop as the current increases that stabilized the class A current (hopefully).
I vaguely recall a fancy equation from some old National semi app notes that described how to calculate a resistor value for thermal stability, but to use that formula you need to know the actual thermal resistance of your devices to ambient. So it's easier to just experiment with trial and error.
I'm with PRR start with the largest value you can get away with and still drive your anticipated loads, and get good (low) crossover distortion. If you have a scope or distortion analyzer feed a low voltage (few hundred mV) sine wave at 20kHz and look for crossover distortion. If you see a step as the sine wave passes through zero drop the resistor values.
You can measure the actual class A current at idle from the voltage drop across the emitter resistors, You shouldn't need more than a few mA of class A current for an opamp. Power amps generally only use 20-30 mA for much larger geometry power devices.
If the power transistors release smoke from getting too hot, replace and make the emitter resistors bigger. ;D