dirty1_1garry said:
Ok, no direct dependence from electronic parameter for time constant. But as you sad there are objective way of how to make a measure the result of dynamics processing.. Could you describe it more open?))
Like I said you begin with a tone burst generator capable of adequately long on time and off time, with a dry bypass path so you can mix in un-gated signal.
Here is a crude schematic of a gate I built for my own use back in the '70s, drawn from memory, not actual schemo so caveats apply.
I used a simple JFET shunt to gate the signal off, and a 4013 CMOS flip flop to synchronize the gating to sine wave zero crossings, The other opamp establishes the on time and off time,
Using a clean sine wave source, feed the gated sinewave to the dynamics processor then look at the results with an oscilloscope.(there is a trigger output from the FF so you can sync the scope to the burst).
Attack time will be how long it takes for the tone burst to get to 90% (or whatever) of its final state. The release time, will be how long it takes for the gain to come back after the burst level drops, To see this release time there needs to be a constant signal playing so you can see the level creep up.
You need to adjust the on time/off time long enough to not step on these time constants. If you put in a 1kHz sine wave you can count the number of cycles for mSec of attack time.
When I designed dynamics processors I was never very particular about precision in labeling attack/release. This is something you really should adjust by listening for what sounds best. I can appreciate a desire for precision and repeatability, I guess.
Note: In addition to att and release, I have also seen a hold time used in some dynamics processors so a comp would delay releasing immediately, this reduces distortion on low frequency sine waves. In my judgement this was mostly a bench trick to measure better, and didn't sound that different on complex waveforms. More effective IMO was to shift to a slower att/release time-constant when close to threshold, then revert to normal faster time constants when not close. In my experience this sounded more natural in use.