convert insert to direct out

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2010
Please guys help me!

I bought Soundcraft 200b,dont have direct outs only insert points!

I want to use all channel strip,but insert point is after preamp and eq but before fader!

How can i manage this to work!?

The place where the insert "takes" the audio from the channel will not change. If you make a cable that will use the send part of the insert, but not the return part, it will be a direct out, but the channel will still be working as before.

I must have a drawing on how to do this, give me a moment to look that up for you..

no drawing, but description:

Take a TRS connector, solder the tip and ring together.
Now solder the sleeve to the shield of the cable and the tip to the conductor.
Solder a TS connector on to the other end of the cable. Tip to conductor, sleeve to shield.

I hope some one checks this for you,I am pretty good at mixing up rings and sleeves....

